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1,111 successful operations with the Da Vinci robot / Munich Isar Clinic: …

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1,111 successful operations with the Da Vinci robot / Munich Isar Clinic: …

26.06.2023 – 13:39

Isar Clinic Munich

Munich (ots)

The Munich Isar Clinic has now come up with extremely positive results from the use of the Da Vinci robot. Schilling, who heads the Urology Clinic and is a specialist in surgical and drug-based tumor therapy, has now performed 1,111 operations with Da Vinci with his team. “After several years of operational use of Da Vinci, our comprehensive experience report on prostate, kidney and bladder tumors has been extremely positive. We have supplemented our findings with the personal experiences of the patients in order to obtain meaningful data,” says Prof. dr medical David Schilling, chief physician and director of the urology clinic at the Isarklinikum in Munich. Schilling established robot-assisted surgery in Germany “as a man from the very beginning” at the University Hospital in Tübingen and then at the University Hospital in Frankfurt.

Patients benefit significantly from the minimally invasive working robot assistant

In its current field report, the Isarklinikum refers to less pain after the use of Da Vinci in the surgery, in connection with a lower administration of painkillers. The length of stay after the operation was also significantly reduced from nine to five days, and the patients recovered more quickly. In addition, the rate of necessary blood transfusions fell significantly, from five percent to less than 1 percent. The team of specialists in urology also rated the data collected when using Da Vinci, especially in the area of ​​prostate operations, as very positive. The patients became continent faster and no longer needed catheters. Overall, the Isarklinikum points to higher patient satisfaction compared to open surgery in its survey. It was also crucial that the positive overall consequences for many patients enabled them to return to work more quickly.

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Still: Humans are far more important than robots

Regardless of the advantages of Da Vinci, whose technical specifications allow, among other things, a three-dimensional view and a tenfold magnification for the surgeon, Schilling, who performs every operation himself, warns against uncritical use of the robot. “Da Vinci implements my individual skills as a surgeon and the dexterity of my hands. But the decisive criteria are still medical competence, experience and personal ability, otherwise the advantages of the robot are useless.”

Highest level of expertise at the Isarklinikum, especially in urology

Schilling has been head of the urology department at the Isarklinikum in Munich as chief physician and clinical director since 2015. The urologist conducted research at the Mayo Clinic in the USA, combined with stays at academic hospitals in the USA for several years. Because of his expertise, he speaks at national and international urological congresses. Among other things, he developed an innovative method for identifying cancer cells in urological organs. Schilling also introduced a method at the Isarklinikum with the help of which outpatient diagnostics for tumor formation in the prostate can be carried out in a gentle manner. The Isarklinikum was the first clinic in Munich and the surrounding area to offer this urological innovation.

Innovative urology fits seamlessly into the leading role of the Munich Isar Clinic in Bavaria and Germany

The Isarklinikum itself claims to be particularly innovative, leading and humane. An impressive confirmation of this is the independent award for the best Bavarian clinic or the best German large hospital in private ownership. Based on representative patient surveys by the AOK or Techniker Kasse, the clinic has been in first place in the surveys of health insurance companies for years (source: White List). The well-known American magazine Newsweek has evaluated the Isarklinikum and ranked it among the top 1000 hospitals worldwide.


The founder of the Isar Clinic in the center of Munich is Prof. Dr. Eckhard Alt. The cardiologist, intensive care doctor and stem cell researcher has not only received top scientific awards and developed numerous medical innovations, but is also one of the leading innovators in medicine with more than 750 patents worldwide.

Press contact:

Gunther Lindinger
Press Officer Isar Klinikum
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0172 3 999 493

Original content from: Isarklinikum Munich, transmitted by news aktuell

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