Home » Berlusconi’s testament: the Colombian, the secret account in Miami and 24,000 paintings

Berlusconi’s testament: the Colombian, the secret account in Miami and 24,000 paintings

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Berlusconi’s testament: the Colombian, the secret account in Miami and 24,000 paintings

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Testament Berlusconi, the Colombian who claims 2% of Fininvest

Silvio’s will Berlusconi it hasn’t been opened yet. It complicates the matter for the succession of the former prime minister and a mysterious businessman appears Colombian claiming a piece of the pie. This causes the times and the notary Arrigo to slip further Roveda – we read in La Stampa – let it be known that days will go by because it will be necessary to give value, for example, to 24,000 works of art purchased overnight during the auctions All this will serve to answer a question: How much is Silvio’s treasure worth? And while the Fininvest meeting is scheduled for Thursday in via Paleocapa, a testamentary bequest to the Caribbean. The beneficiary is the Turinese Marco DiNunzioborn in 1968. And he himself told the Fatto Quotidiano that he was the first of the legatees. And also that he warned Fininvest and Roveda. Threatening otherwise the charge of damages “with seizure of company shares“.

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Di Nunzio is an entrepreneur in the sector of shipbuilding and member of Comites in Colombia. In Italy they know him as the creator of owl lists, including the List Fruit Fruit. The man told Fatto that he was the first of the legatees. The deed he would have in his hand would be a “will integration“. Which Berlusconi would have signed in Colombia on September 21, 2021. The text: “I nominate Mr. Marco Di Nunzio as legate to be able to dispose of the sum of euros upon my death 20 million with the task of raising the political structure of Forza Italia and the Forza Silvio Clubs in Colombia; the sum of 6 million with the burden of gifts to be deposited on checking account in Miami, Florida“. Then the list of properties: “the Princess ship Go Away and all my boats, ships and vessels in my possession; 100% of the shares of the companies that own the ville ad Antigua and in Antilles with adjoining land; The 2% of the Fininvest holding Finanziaria di Investimento Spa. As regards the royalties, they must be sent to the legatee from the day of Berlusconi’s death.

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