Home » Armpit pain, the symptom can be an alarm bell for breast cancer

Armpit pain, the symptom can be an alarm bell for breast cancer

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Armpit pain, the symptom can be an alarm bell for breast cancer

Armpit pain may not be a random signal but linked to breast cancer, it’s an important alarm bell.

An abnormal pain that occurs with a certain frequency in the armpit area should be investigated.

It is essential to always feel your breasts for lumps or anything suspicious alteration to check.

Underarm pain: could be breast cancer

Pain in the breasts, but also in the armpits, it’s not necessarily something alarming and it doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the tumor. It can result from hair removal, irritation of a gland or improper use of muscles during training.

Breast cancer, symptoms and treatment options (tantasalute.it)

The initial forms of neoplasm they do not cause pain, which usually occurs when the situation is already advanced. In women who have pain, only 0.4% of cases have a tumor. In 12.3% of cases, however, it is a benign lesion. like a cyst. In the rest, however, the cause is almost always hormonal.

Among other variations that can be determined Along with underarm pain, there are: swollen lymph nodes, visible blood vessels, hair follicle changes, nerve or sweat gland problems, dermatitis, and muscle disorders. These are all small signs that are rarely immediately associated with breast cancer.

In addition to self-examination of the breast, it is therefore also useful to check the state of health of the armpits, to notice swelling or swelling and pain. In case of compatible age, it is appropriate to proceed with the appropriate instrumental examinations which are also provided free of charge by the national health screening programs. For tumors below the centimeter chance of cure is over 90%.

For the palpation at the household level, to do at least once a week, it is useful to palpate both breasts, with two fingers, also the nipple and the armpits. Better to do it by looking in the mirror so you can also notice the irregularities of the skin. If there are strange cases such as liquid coming out of the nipple, it is better to contact your doctor for the necessary checks.

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For the prevention of pathology, at least in 80% of cases, lifestyle can be changed. For example, one can limit alcohol, follow a healthy and balanced diet, not smoke and not use drugs. Or, do pap tests, ultrasounds and mammograms and protect yourself from the sun’s rays. If there have been cases of breast cancer in the family, a control program and a genetic test are useful to understand the associated risk of onset.

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