Home » Kretschmann for objection solution for organ donation

Kretschmann for objection solution for organ donation

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Stuttgart. After a long period of skepticism in the debate about donor organs, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann spoke out in favor of the so-called opt-out solution – i.e. that one is automatically considered an organ donor unless one objects. “We are simply behind when it comes to donor organs. That’s a fact,” said the Green politician on Tuesday in Stuttgart. “I am now convinced that the contradiction solution is a viable option.”

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In the past, Kretschmann had said that he had no final opinion on the subject and was torn. Since then, a lot of water has flowed down the Neckar, said the head of government. He read a lot and talked intensively to Health Minister Manne Lucha (Greens). Lucha has long been a proponent of opt-out.

Baden-Württemberg is planning a new initiative in the Bundesrat with other federal states. Lucha told the dpa that the goal is a draft law that provides for the objection solution to be included in the Transplantation Act as the basis for the admissibility of organ removal. The project was also a topic in the green-black cabinet on Tuesday.

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Kretschmann said he agreed with the health minister that no stone should be left unturned to help people who urgently needed a donor organ. “I am now very clearly on the line of contradiction solution – also personally.”

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