Home » Larreta spoke of “ending Kirchnerism forever” and there were new crosses with Bullrich

Larreta spoke of “ending Kirchnerism forever” and there were new crosses with Bullrich

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Larreta spoke of “ending Kirchnerism forever” and there were new crosses with Bullrich

With separate activities in the province of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrich carried out the second day of the campaign and sent hints to each other again. The Buenos Aires head of government led an act on Tres de Febrero with harsh criticism of Kirchnerism, while the former Minister of Security was in San Isidro and was blunt: “We win or we win.”

Larreta and his running mate, the radical Gerardo Morales, spoke to dozens of neighbors from a 360 stage at Club Almagro, together with the aspiring Buenos Aires governor Diego Santilli and the mayor Diego Valenzuela, as well as pre-candidates for deputies and senators from the list “The change of our lives”.

“We are not only looking for a change of government: we are looking to end Kirchnerism forever,” Larreta said, adding that they are looking for “a profound change that will last over time.” “We already had an experience: we started a process of change in the right direction and we couldn’t sustain it: they came back. That will not happen to us again, ”she guaranteed.

On the other hand, he sent an underhanded message to Bullrich after the crisis opened by the idea of ​​expanding Together for Change. “Let’s not get caught up in politicking, in chicanas, in criticism. It’s useless. We defend unity, whatever the others do… or the others. Always unity, ”he said.

Morales also insisted on expanding the coalition. “We are not taking the shortcut path, of shrinking and becoming a sect, but of adding wills that want the best for the Argentine people,” he said, after listing the various spaces that today make up Together for Change.

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In addition, the governor of Jujuy and head of the UCR pointed out against the electoral offer of Unión por la Patria: “Sergio Massa is the Alberto Fernández of 2019. Without them. Gone is (Hugo) Moyano, Máximo (Kirchner), ‘Wado’ (De Pedro), La Cámpora, Kirchnerism, (Juan) Grabois… all those who destroyed Argentina. Like Milagro Sala, they all have to be in jail.”

The pre-candidates presented their proposals in terms of work, education and security, such as the elimination of taxes and bureaucratic obstacles for employers, the establishment of 190 days of class, the reinforcement of the Police and “maximum security” prisons, among others. Larreta promised to make “one proposal per day.”

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Hours later, Bullrich was in San Isidro along with Ramón Lanús and Cristian Ritondo, candidates for mayor and national deputy, respectively. “We win or we win. We have the people on our side and we have been able to build a clear project, ”he said, optimistically, at a press conference.

In addition, he joined the complaints about possible irregularities in the vote count in the Córdoba election (where the ruling party Martín Llaryora prevailed by three points in the provisional count) and maintained that “Luis Juez is willing to recognize the result, but the votes have to be counted one by one, and the votes are still not fully counted”.

Bullrich took the opportunity to launch an underhanded dart at Larreta, who did not travel on election day. “On Sunday I went to Córdoba. I think it’s important to always be there, through thick and thin. In the good times and in the bad times,” he said. The head of government had argued that he spent that day with his daughter.

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Lacunza at IAEF

On a different note, Hernán Lacunza, former Minister of Economy of the Macrista administration and an economic benchmark for Larreta, spoke at the 40th Annual Congress of the Argentine Institute of Finance Executives (IAEF), at the Buenos Aires Convention Center (CEC), where He left important definitions in economic matters.

Lacunza emphatically maintained that the stocks on the dollar “cannot be lifted in days”, and expanded: “Despite the stocks, the pandemic and the restrictions, more than USD 40,000 million were lost in four years. Can that be lifted in one day? I would like to, but it would be chaos.”

Regarding inflation, he assured that it will begin to be corrected “when the Treasury stops being an insatiable demander of pesos and dollars from the Central Bank.”

He also warned that the dollarization proposed by the libertarian Javier Milei “is an impracticable shortcut.” “We don’t have dollars and we have pesos left over, that’s why it can’t be dollarized. Without USD 35,000 million, dollarizing is jumping off a cliff, ”he graphed.

Regarding the agreement with the IMF, he considered that “the current program is ill-conceived and unfulfilled”, although he assured that “with a plan it will be possible to pay on time” and that “the most demanding maturity profile is in 2026”.

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