Home » Interest rates on the rise, 7 out of 10 Italians are worried

Interest rates on the rise, 7 out of 10 Italians are worried

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Interest rates on the rise, 7 out of 10 Italians are worried

Seven out of 10 Italians I am worry for theincrease in interest rates and they believe that it represents a brake on the household economy and on the economy in general. Furthermore, one in two had to give up buying furniture or a new car in installments and consider the policy adopted by the ECB is wrong to curb inflation. These are the main pieces of evidence emerging from a new report drawn up by the Legacoop and Ipsos Studies Area.

69% of the population is very or fairly concerned about the increase in interest rates (with a peak of 79% in the popular class), while 25% express limited concern (35% in the middle class and among the over 65) and 7% are silent. Concerns that are also confirmed in the judgment on the policy adopted by the ECB to curb inflation, considered wrong by 49% of Italians (and by 65% ​​of the working class), while 23% consider it right (31% in the middle class). The share of those who cannot express themselves is large (28%).

Furthermore, more than 1 out of three Italians (35%, with a peak of 44% in the working class) thinks that the ECB does not have a precise strategy, but chasing inflation by adopting measures without a long-term vision. Slightly lower (34%) is the share of those who believe that the European Central Bank is following a general strategy, which it adapts on the basis of changes in the economy. Only 11% judge the strategy adopted by the ECB positively, while 20% remain silent.

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But what are the effects determined by the increase in interest rates, and therefore the cost of money, on the household economy and on that of our country in general? For 73% of those interviewed, the increase in interest rates is slowing down the household economy, while 12% believe that it plays a helping role and 15% are silent. With regard to the effects on the country’s overall economy, 71% believe that the rate hike is holding it back, while 12% think it helps; 17% do not express any opinion.

its a more concrete plan, 66% of Italians expect negative effects on the real estate market in the coming months: for 42% it will suffer a slowdown, for 24% a sudden slowdown. 26% believe that, as always, it will be exposed to fluctuations, while 9% expect it to grow.

But the rate hike has already had negative effects on a large portion of the population. 49% were forced to make waivers. In particular, 16% had to give up changing some furniture in the house, 14% buying an appliance in installments, 13% a car in installments and 10% asking for a small loan or buying a property. (Ticker)

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