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Walking instead of going to the gym? With these 5 tips you can automatically lose weight without …

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Walking instead of going to the gym?  With these 5 tips you can automatically lose weight without …

28.06.2023 – 15:04

Mathis Fit Life GmbH


The idea of ​​losing weight is often associated with hours of sweaty workouts at the gym. But is it really necessary to exercise so intensely to stay fit and lose weight? “The combination of regular, moderate exercise such as walking and a balanced diet can work wonders,” says fitness coach Simon Mathis.

“The only important thing is that you consistently integrate these activities into your daily routine – so losing weight does not necessarily mean sweating for hours in the gym.” Simon Mathis is a nutrition and fitness consultant who has helped hundreds of people achieve their dream body shape. In this article, he reveals the 5 best tips for automatically losing weight without having to exercise for hours.

Tip 1: Everyday exercise instead of the gym

Everyday exercise plays a crucial role in weight loss – and incidentally has a much greater effect than the gym. For example, to burn an extra 700 calories a week, you need to work out at the gym for 45 minutes twice a week. This not only costs time and money, but often also effort. Very few people know that you can achieve the same effect if you simply build 2,000 steps a day into your daily life. These 2,000 steps come together very easily if, for example, you walk up and down while on the phone, after lunch instead of pressing your cell phone, walk around the block with work colleagues and chat with each other, or take a walk in the fresh air with the children rotates.

Tip 2: Set achievable goals

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People often fail in their resolutions because their goals are set too high. If you plan to walk 10,000 steps a day, you can quickly feel overwhelmed and give up. It makes more sense to start with small resolutions that you can realistically achieve. In addition – to return to the example above – 2,000 steps per day are enough to burn enough calories.

Tip 3: Drink a lot

In theory, everyone knows that drinking a lot is important. Especially in summer, the body needs water to avoid dehydration. But water is also good for losing weight. Because the higher the water intake, the more calories the body burns. Roughly one can say that you consume almost 100 additional calories per liter of water – in one week that is 700 extra calories that can be burned without much effort. In addition, water also saturates. So if you drink a lot, you have less appetite.

Tip 4: Include more protein in your diet

Too many carbohydrates and fats are on the menu of most people, while protein is often skimped on. This is problematic because the body stores up to 95 percent of the calories from carbohydrates and fats as fat. For proteins, the figure is only 75 percent. The body cannot store the other percentages as fat because it needs them for heat production and conversion processes, for example. So more protein means less fat storage.

Tip 5: Choose low-calorie alternatives

Last but not least, the choice of dishes in the restaurant can also make a decisive difference for the feel-good weight. Even small changes can make a big difference and save numerous calories. Instead of rice and pasta, potatoes should end up on the plate. Tomato sauce can be substituted for pesto. Even if it doesn’t seem so at first glance, there is sometimes a difference of more than 200 calories between the foods mentioned. In other words, choosing potatoes doubles the calories. As a result, nobody has to do without their favorite dishes completely. It is enough to replace high-calorie ingredients with lower-calorie alternatives.

About Simon Mathis:

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As a certified fitness and nutrition trainer, Simon Mathis has already helped more than 600 self-employed people, entrepreneurs and executives to fit back into their favorite clothes from before and to become fitter and healthier. When it comes to time-effective and sustainable weight loss, he is an absolute expert. More information at: https://www.simon-mathis.com.

Press contact:

Simon Mathis
E-Mail: [email protected]
T: +43 (0)50 350-47000
Website: https://simon-mathis.com

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer
E-Mail: [email protected]

Original content from: Mathis Fit Life GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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