Home » “Covid 19” commendations to the local police command of Grottammare ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: breaking latest news, Sport, Events

“Covid 19” commendations to the local police command of Grottammare ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: breaking latest news, Sport, Events

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“Covid 19” commendations to the local police command of Grottammare ⋆ Latest news from Marche and Piceno: breaking latest news, Sport, Events

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GROTTAMMARE – Regional honor “for the commitment and uncommon sense of duty demonstrated during the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, honorably putting the health of the entire community before one’s own” to 11 local police officers coordinated by the commander Stefano Proietti.

This morning, the mayor Alessandro Rocchi presented the commendations to the staff of the local police: “I am honored and proud of this team. I congratulate everyone”, declared the mayor, scrolling through the list of certificates together with Commander Proietti in the Sala di Representative of Palazzo Ravenna.

The certificates were made official in Macerata last May, on the occasion of the Regional day of the local police”.

Stefano Proietti – commander commissioner coordinator

Paola Merlonghi – deputy commissioner commander

Ida Maria Sciarra – Chief Inspector

Giuseppe Pagliarini – Chief Inspector (currently on leave)

Giacinto Iobbi – Chief Inspector (currently retired)

Mariano Bruni – Chief Inspector (currently on leave)

Sabrina Croceri – Inspector

Paolo Mascaretti – Agent

Mara Camela – Agent (currently employed by another institution)

Michele Monaci – Assistant (currently in service at another Command)

Marco Scipioni – Assistant

The Covid 19 commendations have been attributed to over a thousand operators of the Local Police of the Marche Region (DGR n.264 of 6 March 2023), for the commitment and dedication in dealing with the state of emergency caused by the pandemic. ccheck me on the road e in several other situations, carried out in coordination with other security forces, when still there were no vaccines.

“An experience that left its mark – said Proietti, retracing some moments of that period -, also in a positive sense for our institutional service. We have tried to be very present in the area and for this reason applause and thanks also go to those who are absent and to those who are no longer in service. We have managed to develop a control system, together with the other police forces, which can also be used today, in the ordinary. A very strong feeling that I remember is the scenario of the empty city, of silence, with no people in the streets and in the shops”.

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