Home » GLS Inauguration of the international hub of Sordio, developed by the company VGP – Companies

GLS Inauguration of the international hub of Sordio, developed by the company VGP – Companies

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GLS Inauguration of the international hub of Sordio, developed by the company VGP – Companies

GLS today inaugurated the international hub of Sordio, developed by VGP, owner, manager and developer, and pan-European of high quality logistics and semi-industrial properties in the Real Estate sector.

Inaugurated in the presence of Salvatore Iesce, Mayor of the city, and Klaus Schädle, Group Area Managing Director of GLS, the center is equipped with a very high standard of innovation and automation, helping to strengthen Italy’s position as a focal point of the world of logistics in Europe.

Also speaking at the inauguration was Agostino Emanuele, Country Manager Italy VGP: “With today’s inauguration, we consolidate the collaboration with GLS, a valuable partner with whom we share responsibility and sustainability, towards our environment, our partners, our clients.

We thus aim to strengthen our presence in Northern Italy in terms of quality logistics and semi-industrial parks, helping to consolidate the image of Italy itself in Europe, as a nerve center and focal point of the world of logistics on the continent.

I am sure that this new logistics center can contribute to the development of the area, both in economic terms and also in terms of sustainability, for the new generations. Also for this reason we have almost completed the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of the building which will generate a total capacity of 965 kWp, electricity which can also be offered in part for the new GLS sorter machine”

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