Home » Condensed Milk Pudding, our Passion – Panelaterapia

Condensed Milk Pudding, our Passion – Panelaterapia

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Condensed Milk Pudding, our Passion – Panelaterapia

My friends, let’s talk about a national passion that makes your mouth water just thinking about it, condensed milk pudding! Because if there’s one thing that Brazilians really love, it’s this sugary wonder and I’ve already written a post with all the tips on how to do it without making mistakes, I’ve even taught you how to do it in the pressure cooker!

I love this candy so much, but before I start, let me tell you what we’re talking about (you don’t know, right?).

Condensed milk pudding is a classic in the desserts of our grandmothers, mothers and aunts. He has a special knack of transporting us back to childhood, when we were anxiously waiting for the time to devour that creamy delight, which is why I love it so much.

You know that soft and velvety texture that melts in your mouth? That’s what makes condensed milk pudding an absolute success. And let’s not forget the caramelized syrup, which gives that special touch and makes us salivate just imagining it.

Who doesn’t?

Here in Brazil, condensed milk pudding is almost a national institution, as it is present on all occasions: family lunches, birthday parties, Sunday barbecues.

It’s hard to resist this delight.

And the best of all is that each family has its own secret recipe because some people prefer it with more holes, others like it very creamy, some add vanilla or lemon zest to give it a special touch. No matter the variation, the important thing is to enjoy each spoonful.

Anyway, let’s agree, the condensed milk pudding is a democratic dessert, no matter the social class, the region of the country or the accent, all of us Brazilians are united in this culinary passion.

So, if you still haven’t surrendered to this temptation, it’s time to try it, go to the kitchen, put on your apron and throw yourself into the condensed milk pudding recipe. I’m sure you’ll fall madly in love, and there’s no use complaining that you’ve never done it, because here are tips anyway.

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Traditional Recipe

Get ready for an explosion of flavor and creaminess, let’s go to the traditional recipe:


1 can condensed milk 1 can milk (use the condensed milk can measure) 4 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 cup sugar for the syrup

attention to detail

Preparation mode:

Let’s start with the syrup, so in a pudding mold, put the sugar and lead to medium heat. Stir constantly until the sugar melts completely and turns a golden color, but be careful not to burn it! Once it’s ready, spread the syrup all over the mold and set aside. Now, it’s time to prepare the pudding dough. In the blender, add condensed milk, milk, eggs and vanilla essence. Beat everything for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous and creamy mixture. Then, with the pudding mass ready, pour it into the caramelized form, covering all the syrup. preheated to 180°C, so if you opt for the stove, place the mold in a larger pan with boiling water, so that the water reaches half the height of the mold. Let it cook on low heat for approximately 1 hour. Or if you prefer the oven, take the mold directly to the preheated oven and bake for about 50 minutes. After the baking time, do the toothpick test: insert a toothpick in the pudding, if it comes out clean, it’s a sign that you’re ready. If not, let it bake for a few more minutes. Remove the pudding from the oven or stove and let it cool completely. Then take it to the fridge for a few hours to firm up. It’s time to unmold the pudding! Carefully run a knife around the edges to loosen and turn it onto a plate large enough to accommodate it.

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Let’s do it?

So, let’s surrender to the sweet charm of condensed milk pudding? If you’re looking for a light recipe, I recommend you take a look at this post, but if it’s practicality you’re looking for, check out my microwave pudding, oh, don’t forget the famous Bakery Pudding, which also has its charm!

My mouth is already watering here just imagining it, so let’s all celebrate this passion that unites us and makes us smile with every spoonful. After all, life is too short to resist a well-made condensed milk pudding.

So if you liked it, leave your comment, if you do, don’t forget to post it on social networks and tag me and if you’re too lazy to read a text that big, I’ll leave some videos that you’ll love!

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