Home » Departure from Palazzo Marino for “In Extremis”, the company for the climate with destination North Cape – Sport Marketing News

Departure from Palazzo Marino for “In Extremis”, the company for the climate with destination North Cape – Sport Marketing News

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Departure from Palazzo Marino for “In Extremis”, the company for the climate with destination North Cape – Sport Marketing News

It came to life, at Palazzo Marino“In Extremis – Last run against climate change”, the sports enterprise with destination North Cape, in Norway, against climate change. The initiative, with the patronage of the Municipality, will feature the ultrarunner Ivana DiMartino.

The mission includes a 338 km long route, starting from the city of Alta in Norway and arriving in Nordkapp, and 3,400 meters in altitude, which will take place from 4 to 7 July, crossing splendid scenery until reaching the northern end of our continent , with the aim of raising public awareness of climate change and spreading the culture of sustainability.

The ultramarathon runner will run the equivalent of more than two marathons per day for four consecutive days. His company is supported by: Allianz Bank Financial Advisors, EA7 Emporio Armani, ESET, Mondora, ecomunicare, Soin & Co, Jodago, Canottieri Milano and MediaOne.

Ivana Di Martino’s is a sporting challenge and an environmental mission that we could only support – commented theCouncilor for Sport Martina Riva, who welcomed Di Martino -. We are happy that your journey symbolically starts from Palazzo Marino. The municipal administration’s commitment to the environment and the planet is constant and must continue to be fueled by as many opportunities as possible. ‘In Extremis’ is one of them”.

It is not the first time that Ivana Di Martino has ventured into sporting feats to the limit to support projects of social value, from initiatives in favor of children to battles for women or sick people.

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Every business comes from my fear and helps me find a stronger myself and achieve goals that seemed impossible – he has declared Ivana DiMartinoRunning is the only thing that makes me feel free, strong and invincible and that in difficult moments of my life has allowed me to regain my strength. I would like this force, which I experience, to become a common factor with the others and to direct the energies of all of us towards important and often urgent social issues. Climate change is one of them: we are in extremis. The current scenario, now close to the point of no return, requires sudden actions to reverse the course towards a new way of experiencing the environment. Being here today, in my city, in the setting of Palazzo Marino, is a great emotion for me as well as representing an enormous stimulus for the mission”.

The “In Extremis” enterprise has actually already begun: through a technological platform, sportsmen and women alike are making their contribution in terms of kilometers covered on foot, by bike or running, to bridge the distance between Milan and the Norwegian starting point, thus accompanying Di Martino to Alta. The cumulative total of kilometers has already covered the distance, but the involvement does not stop: every week an average of 20,000 km is reached. Not only that, on the occasion of World Environment Day, last June 5, the In Extremis forest was born in collaboration with Treedomalso in this case the invitation to citizens was to contribute by planting their own tree and thus leaving a concrete sign.

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