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The price of gasoline rises: How much will a gallon be worth in July?

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The price of gasoline rises: How much will a gallon be worth in July?

The price of gasoline rises: How much will a gallon be worth in July?

Starting this Saturday, July 1, the price of regular gasoline will rise by $600 pesos per gallon. The increase will be made due to the strategy proposed by the Government since 2022 with which it seeks to reduce the subsidy for the value of fuels in the country to reduce the deficit of the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund.

“To advance in the reduction of this subsidy, starting tomorrow, Saturday, July 1, the value of regular motor gasoline will have an average readjustment of $600 per gallon throughout the country, while diesel prices will remain stable” , reported the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

For its part, the price of diesel will remain stable, according to the government.

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In this sense, the cities that will undergo this change immediately will be: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Montería, Bucaramanga, Villavicencio, Pereira, Cañizales, Ibagué, Pasto and Cúcuta.

The entities that sign the pact for the energy transition in La Guajira

In the presence of the President-elect, Gustavo Petro gave way to the signing of the pact for the energy transition between the social leaders, the Wayuu authorities, the companies that develop renewable energy projects and the Government of Change. This alliance frames the community with great benefits in the just energy transition as its main objective.

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It should be recalled thatPresident Gustavo Petro announced that he would use the mechanisms in the Guajira region after learning about the conditions in which the territory lives, especially the lack of access to water, and the high rates of poverty in it.

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Since Monday, The president traveled in the company of his entire cabinet to La Guajira to begin a tour of several of the towns in the territory, making announcements in reference to the energy transition and the use of water and educational resources in La Guajira.

Signature of the pact for sustainable development in La Guajira

The representative of The Ministry of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélez, signed the Pact for the Transition, in the territory of La Guajira, This was done in the company of President Gustavo Petro and local authorities.

“This pact that we are embracing today seeks to resolve a disastrous paradox that has left four decades of social and environmental damage to La Guajira. La Guajira saw coal and gas pass by and unfortunately only accumulated poverty. In La Guajira, we have the highest rate of unsatisfied basic needs in the country, which means that the challenges we face are enormous and that the energy potential has to help us. There is a moral responsibility for it to be so and that is an opportunity,” said Minister Irene Vélez.

Being so, The minister celebrated the fact that 100% of the prior consultations by the Ministry of the Interior for the construction of the transmission network have been protocolized, with the objective of taking advantage of the solar potential of the department of La Guajira.

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It is worth mentioning thatin which an average of 260 people participated, including ethnic groups, spokespersons for the people, traditional authorities, representatives of 12 companies that develop renewable energy projects, the Government for signing the pact for the Just Energy Transition in La Guajira.

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