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Pack your backpack properly: backpackers really need it!

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Pack your backpack properly: backpackers really need it!

The travel season is here again and it’s getting exciting. And when you start packing, you may experience chaos. In fact, packing your backpack can be a challenge because you don’t have to take anything with you that you don’t need. If your backpack is not packed properly, this can become a problem. How to pack your backpack properly so you can enjoy your trip? Here we provide helpful tips and tricks!

Planning ahead is important

Planning is very important. Take everything you will need and arrange the items e.g. B. on the bed so that you can see everything clearly and think about whether you have chosen the right things. Only when you are sure that you have everything you need can you start packing.

Where you pack heavy items

Pack your heavy items close to your back. If you put them on the outside of the pack, you have to lean a lot further forward. Heavier ones don’t put them down because they will drag you down and make your movements more difficult.

Heavy items should be placed in the middle because if they are grabbed on one side, the center of gravity will not be central and you will lean to one side as you walk.

Packing liquids separately in bags

Make sure all liquids in your luggage are in sealed bags. Because if they leak, they can soak your luggage if they aren’t sealed. Don’t put the bags with liquids on the bottom if you need them often during the trip. Also make sure not to place the liquids under heavy objects, otherwise they may burst.

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What do you pack in the upper part of the backpack

Any items near the top of the backpack should be lighter and that’s where you should put things that you use often and have easy access to, so you don’t have to unpack the whole backpack every time you need something.

How to pack a backpack correctly: don’t leave any gaps

Packing to save space is very important. Once you’ve placed the larger items in the backpack, you need to make sure there aren’t any large gaps between them to keep everything from rattling around. Use every corner and pack the items so that there is as little air as possible between the individual items. Try to fill in the gaps with smaller items. This makes your luggage compact and easy to carry.

Where you pack small items

Typically, most backpacks have pockets either on the side or on the front of the backpack. They are for all the little things like toiletries, toilet paper, a headlamp, a pocket knife, a wallet, keys and a phone. This gives you easy access to those things that you will need more often. In remote areas or on poorly marked paths, you should also take navigation devices such as a map, compass or GPS with you.

Set the correct back length

In order for your trip to be comfortable, the back length must be right and it must be easier to carry the backpack. The shoulder straps should be positioned between the shoulder blades, while the waist strap should rest comfortably on the hip bones. If the shoulder straps are over the shoulder blades or too short, the back length needs to be adjusted.

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Pack your travel backpack: consider safety

Traveling in nature is certainly a great pleasure, but one must be prepared to take all necessary safety measures because many unpredictable situations can occur. It is essential to have a reliable navigation system and a first aid kit on hand.

The backpack should match your size

It is advisable to buy a backpack that fits your height and build. It is important that you have a comfortable backpack. This will make your journey easier, because the comfort of carrying the backpack is of great importance.

Make sure your gear is waterproof

Make sure your gear like sleeping bag and clothing is waterproof. The best way to achieve this is by using a packing pad. You can use a good quality waterproof pannier or heavy duty garbage bag. Waterproofing is very important so that you have dry clothes available at all times.

Be aware of the weather conditions

To ensure you pack your backpack properly for your vacation, find out about the weather in the place you are traveling to and bring clothing appropriate to the weather conditions. Don’t take excessive clothes that you wouldn’t wear because it would complicate your trip and you want a comfortable and enjoyable trip! Hope you find all of these tips helpful!

Here’s how to pack your suitcase properly for a trip.

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