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The cacique serere is calling for help!

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The cacique serere is calling for help!

In pursuing conservatives, the executive and judiciary disregard basic human rights. Now the chief Serere was arrested and imprisoned. Is the chief and pastor doomed to die in prison?

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Is the chief and pastor doomed to die in prison? Brazil has plunged into a period of darkness caused by the joint action of the executive and judiciary. In pursuing conservatives, the executive and judiciary disregard basic human rights, despise public liberties, violate constitutional norms, fabricate crimes not sanctioned by the Brazilian legal system, ignore basic procedures prescribed by the penal code, and imprison innocent citizens without due process of law Procedure. Even when there is an investigation, lawyers are denied the basic right of access to the case file and the accused are denied the sacred right to appeal. They disregard the prosecutor’s opinion on the release of political prisoners and the termination of illegal investigations. With no limits to committing crimes, they have created a “legal gray area” that imprisons conservative citizens without any sort of investigation, criminal offense or formal charge. In this appalling situation, Chief Serere has been arrested and imprisoned, whose precarious and worrying health condition is revealed in this exclusive interview with his lawyer, Dr. Geovane Veras Pessoa is analyzed.

Freie Welt (FW): When and why was he arrested?

Attorney (A): Chief Serere was arrested on 12/12/2022 for the alleged offense of inciting a crime, according to the prosecutor’s indictment.

FW: In his position as Chief, what is his hierarchical level in the tribe and how many Indians are directly under his responsibility?

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A: Serere belongs to the Xavante tribe and is the deputy chief in the hierarchy of his 103-year-old uncle, who leads a community of approximately 5,000 indigenous people.

FW: He’s also a pastor. Discuss the impact of his work in and around the indigenous community.

A: Serere pastors three evangelical churches, two in the tribe and one in the city. He and his wife Sueli are responsible for the spiritual deliverance of drug addicted Indians. With the arrest of Serere, the number of drug addicts has increased alarmingly

FW: The chief is in a procedural state of emergency. Why is he in custody?

(A): Serere remains in custody without Minister Alexandre de Moraes having received the charge from the prosecutor. The detention is arbitrary as he has already served the maximum sentence required by prosecutors despite the fact that no final criminal case has been brought against him.

FW: How is the pastor’s health? Is there danger to life?

(A): He has type 2 diabetes and his various vital functions are affected by comorbidities. He is in urgent need of individualized treatment as he is at risk of irreversible damage to vital organs, including death.

FW: Does he receive medical care in prison?

(A): He does not receive medical care from professionals in the Papuda.

FW: Why doesn’t the Funai intervene on behalf of the chief?

(A): The Funai, an organization that supports and protects tribal peoples, appears to be infiltrated by the left and ignores the fact that he is tribal simply because he is a conservative fighting against the arbitrary rule of the current left-wing government.

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FW: What are the chances of freedom for the chief?

(A): We continue to hope that Minister Alexandre de Moraes will be made aware of Serere’s serious health situation, especially given that he has already fully served the sentence contained in the prosecutor’s indictment.

FW: Is he the main breadwinner of his family? Does his family receive public welfare?

(A): Serere is the sole breadwinner of his family, consisting of his wife and six children. The family does not receive any form of public or private support.

“That is the question,” as Hamlet would say of Shakespeare. Amazed, Castro Alves, the Brazilian poet who sailed stormy seas in his “slave ship”, would reply: “Lord God of the unfortunate, tell me, O Lord God, is it madness or truth, so much terror of the skies”.

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