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What to do with a wasp nest? Effective defense methods

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What to do with a wasp nest?  Effective defense methods

Wasps in the garden or in the house can be an unpleasant occurrence and most people would perceive a wasp nest as a nuisance and would try to get rid of it as soon as possible. Eliminating wasp nests might seem like a simple task, but it can be quite complex as angry wasps will sting. What to do with a wasp nest and what means to prevent it? Follow these tips!

What attracts wasps to the garden

Like all insects, wasps are attracted to certain things in your garden. If you want to keep wasps away, you simply need to be careful to remove anything from your outdoor space that might attract them. Here are the main things that attract wasps.

If wasps find food in your yard, they will stay. Especially after a long winter, they are hungry and look for food sources. Wasps feed on protein foods and also love to feed on leftovers. Sugar is also an excellent food source for wasps. Fallen fruit from trees, beverage cans and fruit juice are a popular source of sugar for the insects. Once wasps have found a safe haven in your yard, they will stay there, e.g. B. insulated walls, crevices and cracks. This protects them from predators and bad weather. After the queen wasp is fertilized, she retreats to a sheltered and warm place in the fall, where she survives the winter. Flowers also attract wasps, particularly the nectar and scent of flowering plants.

Where wasps build their nests

You can find wasp nests in the ground, in a compost heap, or in a cavity in a building. You can also often find wasp nests in the garage. Wasp nest in the roof is also a common occurrence. Paper wasps commonly build their nests in trees, on branches, or in the eaves of buildings. What to do with a wasp nest? Continue reading!

What to do with a wasp nest: use natural measures in the garden

What to do with a wasp nest in the garden? There are natural ways you can prevent a wasp nest and here we show you the possibilities!

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Close your garbage cans

Wasps are particularly attracted to your trash cans if they are not properly closed, and sometimes they would build a nest near them as well. Close your garbage cans tightly to keep wasps out.

Remove leftover food and sugary drinks

What else helps against wasps? To prevent wasps from entering your home or garden, you should remove all leftover food from outside your home. Keep your grill thoroughly clean to keep the wasps away. The insects also love sugary drinks. If there is nothing tasty for the wasps near your home, you would not visit your habitat.

Keep wasps away with these plants

Wasps dislike certain plants such as peppermint, spearmint, basil, eucalyptus, cloves, geraniums, marigolds, thyme, citronella, bay leaves, and lemongrass. Grow some of these plants in the garden or in pots on the balcony to keep insects away.

Drive away wasp nests with home remedies

If you want to get rid of unwanted wasps, you must consider that there are some natural wasp repellents that actually work. The best and most harmless option for a wasp nest is to use home remedies. Which home remedies to use against wasp nests? There are some effective home remedies to keep wasps away and here are a few simple options.

Mix together the apple cider vinegar, mint and witch hazel

Together, apple cider vinegar, mint, and witch hazel give off a strong odor that is very repellent to wasps. If you want to keep wasps out of your habitat, mix these ingredients in a spray bottle and apply to wasp infested areas.

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A mixture of cloves, geranium, lemongrass oil

According to studies, a combination of clove, geranium and lemongrass essential oils can successfully repel wasps. How do you make the mix? Mix a few drops of each oil with water and dish soap in a spray bottle and mist areas on the outside of your home where wasps like to nest: under eaves, porch roofs, and other ledges and cracks.

Since it would be impossible to completely cover all of these areas with essential oils, consider treating the spots where you have found old nests in the past, as wasps often tend to build new nests in the same spots.

Get rid of wasps in the house

What to do with a wasp nest in the house? Wasp nests in the house can be a big problem. Here are some simple tips on how to prevent them:

Check each entry point so you can determine where the bugs are getting into the house. If you don’t leave your doors and windows open without a screen, wasps are likely to get into your home through a tiny crack. Also examine the gutter, the joists and supports in your garage, and the areas around your home’s air vents. Seal all cracks and gaps in the house with silicone to prevent wasps from entering. Call a professional to remove wasp nests, as indoor wasp nests can be dangerous. You can contact a professional pest controller to help you.

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