Home » Fresh fruit, juices and juices: nutritional differences and advice on consumption during the summer

Fresh fruit, juices and juices: nutritional differences and advice on consumption during the summer

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Fresh fruit, juices and juices: nutritional differences and advice on consumption during the summer

In summer, fresh fruit, juices and fruit juices are very popular: here are the nutritional differences between them and how to eat and hydrate on the hottest days.

With the arrival of summer, increase the intake of fresh fruit, juices and fruit juices. But sometimes it becomes difficult to tell the difference between these choices and figure out which one is the most nutritious. In this article, we take a look to the nutritional differences between fresh fruit, juices and fruit juices. Furthermore, we will also provide some advice on consumption during the summer season.

Fresh fruit is the best way to get the necessary nutrients for our body. Contains fibre, vitamins, minerals e antioxidants which are essential for good health. Furthermore, it is also rich in water, which makes it a great choice to hydrate our body during the hottest days.

Fresh fruit: the best way to get nutrients

Seasonal fruit should preferably be eaten whole and with the peel, as most of the nutrients are concentrated in these parts. Furthermore, the fiber present in the peel helps us feel fuller for longer, thus reducing hunger between meals.

Fresh fruit, how to consume it in summer – Tantasalute.itThe juices ei fruit smoothies they are an alternative to fresh fruit. Be careful though, the juices are made using only the juice extracted from the fruit, without using the peel or pulp. This means that we lose most of the fibre present in the fruit, so it is better to alternate with smoothies in which the pulp is also included. Fruit juices are, however, a good source of vitamins and minerals and are convenient to take to the office, school or gym. However, you have to be careful with the amount of sugar in these drinks. Many packaged fruit juices contain added sugar or high fructose corn syrup, best made at home; Packaged fruit juices contain lots of calories and added sugar. They are made using fruit that is squeezed and then strained to remove the pulp and fiber. This means that we miss out on most of the nutrients and fiber found in fruit. Additionally, fruit juices are often added with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or other sweeteners to enhance the flavor. These added sugars can increase the calorie content and the risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes and other health problems. Tips to follow to always choose fresh fruit (tantasalute.it)

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During the summer, we need to hydrate ourselves constantly to keep our bodies cool and hydrated. Here are some tips on how to consume fresh fruit, juices and juices during the summer months:

Choose fresh fruit as a snack: consuming fresh fruit such as apple, banana, orange, strawberry and sandía as a snack is a great choice to keep our body hydrated during the summer.Prepare your own fresh juices at home: making your own fruit juices at home can be a great alternative to packaged juices. Using your own fruit and without added sugar, you can obtain a nutritious drink free of unwanted substances.Instead, avoid packaged fruit juices: Read the label of fruit juices carefully to make sure they do not contain a high amount of added sugar.Always choose fresh products: both juices and fruit juices made from fresh seasonal products are much healthier and free of chemical additives.

In conclusion, we can say with certainty that fresh fruit is the best choice to nourish and hydrate our body during the summer. Homemade fruit juices are a real panacea for the body, a concentrate of vitamins, minerals and essential substances for well-being and health.

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