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OpenAI Updates: New Privacy Tools, Web Browsing Function, and iOS Mobile App Launch

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OpenAI Updates: New Privacy Tools, Web Browsing Function, and iOS Mobile App Launch

Update Highlights: Privacy Tools, Web Browsing, and iOS Mobile App Launch

In recent updates, OpenAIā€™s ChatGPT has introduced several new features aimed at improving privacy, enhancing web browsing capabilities, and launching a mobile app for iOS users.

(1) Privacy Changes: Update Time 5/3
OpenAI faced privacy issues earlier this year when some confidential information was leaked due to improper use of ChatGPT by employees. This incident caused an uproar and led to many technology giants, including Apple, Samsung, and Goldman Sachs, suspending the use of ChatGPT. OpenAI took immediate action and temporarily took ChatGPT offline to address the issue. This was not the first privacy concern with ChatGPT, as a previous incident resulted in the exposure of chat history and payment-related information of some users. To address these problems, OpenAI released an update on May 3, introducing a new privacy function that allows users to close chat history and opt-out of using it for model learning. While this feature ensures privacy, it also requires users to manually export and download chat records, adding a slight inconvenience.

(2) Web Browsing and Plug-in Functions (Test Version): Update Time 5/12
One of the most anticipated updates, released on May 12, is the introduction of web browsing and third-party plug-in functions. ChatGPT now uses the Bing search engine to browse internet information. This update expands the capabilities of ChatGPT, enabling it to answer questions about recent topics and events based on real-time web browsing. However, these features are currently available only in preview mode and restricted to Plus members.

(3) iOS Mobile App Officially Launched: Update Time 5/18
OpenAI launched the official ChatGPT mobile app for iOS users on May 18, providing most of the functions available on the web version. The app, which is free to use, includes features such as sharing, GPT-4 (exclusive to Plus users), disabling chat history, and voice input (Whisper). The mobile app is synchronized with the web version and offers an ad-free and accurate search experience. It is expected to revolutionize the way people use mobile phones. Although a beta version is currently unavailable, it may be added in future official releases.

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In conclusion, while there have been some challenges with ChatGPT, such as slow speed and issues with viewing certain URLs in the web version, overall, the experience has been functional and excellent. OpenAI is working on resolving these problems with the launch of the official version. In terms of information security, it is important to acknowledge that AI is an unstoppable trend, and completely avoiding it may cause individuals to be left behind in this era of technological advancements. Therefore, it is crucial to have an in-depth discussion on how to address information security concerns effectively while embracing the benefits of AI technology.

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