Home » Everything that is known about the terrible crime of Joaquín Sperani

Everything that is known about the terrible crime of Joaquín Sperani

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Everything that is known about the terrible crime of Joaquín Sperani

Hundreds of residents of Dough fired this Monday, July 3, the remains of Joaquin Sperani, the 14-year-old teenager who was beaten to death by a friend of the same age. The case shocked the town and, after 5:30 p.m., his remains were buried in the Jesús Redentor cemetery, with the family accompanied by neighbors, friends and schoolmates.

Later, the coffin that carried the body of the teenager went to the Huracán club, where he played soccer, and to the school, the places he frequented. “He was a correct boy. I was raising a man, a responsible being and not just anything. I give values ​​to my children,” said Mariela Flores, Joaquín’s mother.

The teenager died of head trauma and brain damage.

in the last hours it was learned that the minor received a total of 18 blows to the headaccording to the conclusions of the autopsy on his body, which was carried out in the city of Río Cuarto.

He Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that Joaquín, who disappeared last Thursday, was found lifeless this Sunday in an abandoned house100 meters from the school he attended.

Laboulaye dismissed the remains of Joaquin Sperani, the brutally murdered young man

Who was Joaquin Sperani?

Joaquin Seperani He was the eldest of five brothers, played soccer in the sub 15 category of the Huracán club. He was a goalkeeper but many times he was heard wanting to be a trucker when he grew up, like his father. He lived in the Chacarita neighborhood, in the west zone.

Every day, as is customary among teenagers from Laboulaye, he rode his bicycle to school. On Thursday he left home for the last time at 2:57 p.m. His bicycle was in the schoolyard at the time he was reported missing.

Joaquín was the eldest of five siblings and suffered bullying at school

He was 14 years old, he suffered bullying and his mother clarified that the teenager had a introverted personality who did not use social networks. Those who knew him say that he was very innocent and he spent a lot of time with his best friend, who ended up as the only accused of the ferocious homicide. In addition, he hid what happened from the authorities for several days and even provided contradictory clues, hindering the investigation.

The boy died of a head trauma and who suffered a brain damage that caused his immediate death, after receiving blows to the head, revealed the report released by the website chain 3.

Joaquín’s murderer is 13 years old and hit him 18 times with a concrete block to kill him

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The person responsible for the crime that shocked Laboulaye

The alleged perpetrator of the crime, a teenager the same age as Joaquín Seperani, He was transferred Monday to a juvenile detention center. for your “safety”. At the crime scene, they kidnapped an iron and a piece of concrete, both with blood stains.

The young man, who would have confessed to the authorship of the murder, is not impeachable because of his age and is at the disposal of the Judge of Control, Childhood, Adolescence, Juvenile Criminal, Family and Gender Violence and Misdemeanors of Laboulaye, sebastian moro.

The judicial information indicates that “the alleged non-punishable participation of a child could be established” in the death of Joaquín and adds that “the adolescent involved in the event is currently housed for his protection at the Admission and Diagnostic Center (CAD) , which depends on the Esperanza Complex, in the city of Córdoba”, where diagnostic, psychosocial and environmental studies will be carried out in the next few hours.

The school attended by adolescents in Laboulaye, Córdoba

Joaquín came to school by bicycle but did not go to class. Together with his lifelong friend, they walked out of the school, as corroborated from a security camera neighbor. The image reflects that both were together and smiling. In the same footage, the researchers observed that minutes later the teenager returned to school alone.

On the way, he dropped a cell phone, which he promptly picked up and put in his pants. That afternoon, the teenager entered the school again and he sat in his usual place, as if nothing bothered him. When the agents found him, he was evasive in his responses: the plan was to leave school, but he regretted it and wanted to go back to class. Regarding the extra cell phone, he assured that it belonged to his father, but his father denied that version. At that time, it was not a piece of information that caught the attention of the police officers.

Within hours, the 13-year-old boy was questioned again. On that occasion, he gave a second version: He recognized that the phone belonged to Joaquín but he had given it to her before escaping the city. There you installed the version of bullyingsomething denied by the teacher, who also spoke with Perfil.com.

Joaquín Sperani’s crime in Laboulaye: the main suspect is unimputable

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Los Joaquín’s parents confirmed that their son was a victim of bullying, so the search went off its original axis. The Laboulaye policemen, with little experience in cases like these, instead of raking from the school, the last place where he was seen alive, began to look for a supposed “surrogate” family, which the teenager had indicated as close, in relation to the bullying received.

In a third instance of interrogation, he no longer lied (or at least that is presumed): he confessed that on Thursday they had gone there together, alone, and that then what they started arguing. Without any premeditation, he took the pipe and began to hit Joaquín on the head. Then he finished it off with a piece of masonry.

“It was something personal, it was not a robbery,” summarized an investigator who spoke with Chain 3.

Joaquín Sperani’s crime: the mother said that “the school did not take care of anything”

The testimony of the mother of Joaquín Sperani

Mariela Flores, Joaquín’s mother, assured that she was “raising a man, a responsible being and not just anything”, while stressing that her son was a “correct” child.

When asked about what they told her about the case, the woman said: “They didn’t tell me anything, they just showed me a video where the two of them were walking and Joaquín looks happy for life.”

The last image of Joaquín, in which he is seen happy, walking with his friend

“I don’t feel a grudge against Leandro’s parents, For now, but no one is going to return my son to me,” said Flores, who also said: “Because of the pain, I ended up hospitalized and my niece talked to me a lot so that I would get up and seek justice for Joaquín.”

The teenager’s mother indicated that she told the investigators to go into her house and “look for what they have to look for,” while she said that Joaquín did not have social networks.

He also recounted through tears: “Joaquín is all beaten up, they supposedly believe that they used an iron. His little eye is swollen, his face bruised, but I want them to keep the image of my beautiful son that we used to look for him.”

In addition, Flores stated: “The teacher told me that Leandro went to school with a lot of money, that he bought many expensive things and that it made noise for her.”

“Nobody is going to give my son back,” said Mariela Flores

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“May the name of Joaquín serve to uncover everything,” said the woman and added: “If a student is lost, you have the news that it was reported that it was from the door of the schoolas a director you have to abandon everything and come to support”.

“And MayorKnowing that a boy from his society is missing, can he go to a party in peace?” Flores wondered and added: “I did not receive support from outside. My husband and I would arrive to go look for him and my nephews would come out, “he denounced.

Finally, and referring to the person responsible for the murder of her son, Flores said that the prosecutor promoted a theory that she did not seriously consider. “It may be that the boy has a sexual inclinationwhich was best in love with Joaquin and that this would have had to do with his decision, but I can’t stay with that,” he said.

The investigation to find the teenager who killed Joaquín Sperani

Within the framework of a mobilization held on Saturday, the chief commissioner and director of the local police, Enrique Carreras, He had left the Headquarters to talk with the residents who were marching and convey a message of calm and confidence in the efforts made to find him.

“We are working with all the technological tools, the filming public and private and other contributions that we have. We know that there are many versions that are going around the street, that are wrong and false, ”she said.

Carreras affirmed that the teenager had a personality introvert and that he did not use social networks, which means one less source for the investigation. “Let’s not get carried away by rumors that travel on the streethe asked.

The body of the teenager was found in an abandoned house near the school where he attended

After a series of rakes involving crews of police personnel together with dogs and around 90 troopswith firefighters, agents from the Department of High Risk Units and self-summoned neighbors, the police managed to find the body of Joaquín Sperani.

Joaquín Sperani’s crime in Laboulaye: the story of the neighbor who found his body

This Sunday, according to the local media LV20 radio LaboulayeThe adolescent’s body was found in an abandoned house at 480 Sarmiento street, Dairo corner, 100 meters from the corner of the school he attended.


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