Home » Radio Rock Marathon for Ail Roma, 7 July 28 hours live for the purchase of new research machinery

Radio Rock Marathon for Ail Roma, 7 July 28 hours live for the purchase of new research machinery

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Radio Rock Marathon for Ail Roma, 7 July 28 hours live for the purchase of new research machinery

After the incredible success of previous years, the RADIO ROCK MARATHON for AIL ROMA is back, an initiative promoted by Radio Rock 106.6 in support of AIL Rome, the Italian Association against Leukemia – Lymphoma and Myeloma.

It consists of 28 hours of non-stop live broadcast by Radio Rock speakers who will take turns running the show with the sole aim of bringing together the broadcaster’s large community around a new charity venture.

Radio Rock’s fundraising is part of a research project. The aim is to support AIL Rome for the purchase of three pieces of equipment (NanoDrop spectrophotometer, Qubit Flex fluorometer, Direct-Q water purification system) which are used for the dosage/qualification of nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) . The diagnosis of onco-haematological pathology is a critical moment, fundamental for future therapy, and it is therefore essential that every evaluation can be done correctly.

The equipment currently in use in the Acute and Chronic Lymphoproliferative Diseases Laboratories in Via Rovigo N° 1 are by now obsolete and sometimes defective, while with these new cutting-edge instruments it will be possible to extract, dose and amplify the DNA/RNA with extreme precision. This will make it possible to establish a sort of identity card for each clone-disease and thus obtain a precise and accurate diagnosis so as to be able to prescribe a specific and targeted therapy for each patient.

A new project and a new challenge, after the one in 2021 thanks to which it was possible to purchase a latest generation echocardiograph, and the one in 2022 with which two electrified hospital beds and three stretchers with sides were purchased for the Emergency Department of the hospital. ‘Hematology of the Umberto I Polyclinic.

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Twenty-eight hours of pure entertainment, starting at 6 in the morning on Friday 7 July, in which among guests, topics, messages from listeners and comic columns, combined with a series of interventions by doctors and researchers to disseminate the exceptional work of the ‘Association.

“Radio Rock will try again to solicit its listeners who are already champions of generosity” – commented the editor Patrizia Palladino. “For this reason, a soundtrack such as “Come Together” seemed to us more appropriate than ever, because now more than ever we have understood the importance of the union between a broadcaster that does not give up on going beyond entertainment, and an audience that is always ready to accept the invitation to give hope to those who are fighting the hardest fight, the one for their own lives”.

“Research is the beating heart of our association.

We carry on the exceptional work of Professor Franco Mandelli with constant commitment and we can only do it with everyone’s help – adds the president of AIL Rome Maria Luisa Viganò – I thank Radio Rock 106.6 our faithful supporter and all the listeners who want to contribute”.

Radio Rock can also be followed via App, Streaming, DAB+, Twitch and FM on 106.6 (Rome and Province), on 104.9 (Rieti and Province), on 93.2 (Provinces of Viterbo and Terni).

Today, blood cancers can be cured, but to do so, everyone’s help is needed: “Come Together, Right Now”.

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