Home » Sáshenka Gutiérrez: A Powerful Photographer Capturing the Strength of Women

Sáshenka Gutiérrez: A Powerful Photographer Capturing the Strength of Women

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Sáshenka Gutiérrez: A Powerful Photographer Capturing the Strength of Women

Title: Photojournalist Sáshenka Gutiérrez Recognized for Powerful Image in Forbes’ List of Influential Women in Mexico

Leading photojournalist, Sáshenka Gutiérrez, has made a name for herself in the male-dominated field by capturing powerful images that convey the emotions and struggles of vulnerable groups. Recently, she was included in Forbes magazine’s prestigious list of “100+ Powerful Women of Mexico” alongside prominent figures in politics, sports, science, and business.

Gutiérrez’s exceptional work caught the attention of the jury for the renowned Ortega y Gasset Award for best photography in 2022. The jury commended her for capturing a poignant moment of pain, presenting a raw intimacy rarely seen in photography. The award-winning photograph featured Sandra Monroy, a communicator, who documented her battle against cancer with vulnerability and strength. Monroy’s autobiography, titled “Fuck you, Cancer,” recounts her journey and emphasizes the importance of female solidarity, or “sorority.”

The photograph, which showcased Monroy after a bilateral mastectomy, was prominently displayed on the front page of El Universal newspaper in 2021. This image not only resonated with women facing similar challenges but also conveyed a message of hope and resilience.

In an interview, Gutiérrez revealed that her passion for photography was sparked by a photograph of the Zapatistas in a newspaper her father bought. Despite lacking formal training, Gutiérrez persevered and secured a position at the Spanish agency EFE, where she has been working for over a decade.

Reflecting on the award-winning photograph, Gutiérrez explained that capturing the moment was completely organic. She shared that during Monroy’s discharge from the hospital, she stood by her friend, offering support and companionship. The following day, Gutiérrez took a photographic sequence that showcased Monroy’s experience, capturing everything from the discovery of her chest to intimate moments shared with friends.

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At the book presentation of Monroy’s autobiography, she expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming global response to the photograph. People from various countries related to and appreciated the image, reinforcing the notion that it transcended Monroy’s personal experience and became a symbol for women worldwide.

Despite her accomplishments, Gutiérrez remains humble, describing herself as a photographer and also a sister, daughter, and wife. She acknowledged that being included in Forbes’ list has shed light on the valuable contributions of women in her field, paving the way for future female photojournalists.

Gutiérrez’s portfolio also includes coverage of the March 8 marches and the Okupa movement at the headquarters of the National Human Rights Commission in Mexico City. She believes that technique, patience, and empathy are essential qualities for capturing powerful moments, emphasizing the importance of observing and connecting with subjects on a deeper level.

Sáshenka Gutiérrez’s remarkable photography not only documents important events and stories but also sheds light on the resilience and strength of vulnerable communities. Through her lens, she continues to reshape perceptions and evoke emotions, leaving an indelible mark on the field of photojournalism.

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