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Titan: Debris investigation could take more than a year

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Titan: Debris investigation could take more than a year

Larger parts of the Titan could be recovered. Paul Daly/The Canadian Press via AP

Experts have found larger fragments of the imploded Titan submarine than they expected.

This will likely make it easier to investigate the implosion, an expert told DailyMail.com.

The recovery of larger-than-expected fragments means there are now more “pieces of the puzzle,” he said.

Experts had assumed Titan’s catastrophic implosion would leave few intact parts for investigators.

But to their surprise, larger than expected fragments of the ship survived, likely making it easier to investigate the tragedy that killed all five people on board, according to an expert „DailyMail.com“.

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Submarine is said to have imploded within just a few hours

OceanGate Expeditions’ controversial Titan submersible is believed to have imploded within hours of its descent to the Titanic wreck on June 18.

Last week, photos from Canadian news channel CBC News showed the recovery of what appeared to be structural titanium rings, parts of the forward viewport, large fragments of the submersible’s cover, and pipes and tubes encased in a metal cage.

Tom Maddox, director of Underwater Forensic Investigators, told DailyMail.com that the recovery of such large pieces exceeded his expectations.

“A lot of us suspected that in this catastrophic failure, this implosion, a lot of the parts would disintegrate, especially the non-titanium parts, which of course would make the study that much more difficult,” he said.

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Investigations could take more than a year

However, the discovery of larger pieces means there are now more “pieces of the puzzle” that could help unravel the causes of the implosion, he said.

Maddox also told the media outlet that the investigation could take a year or more and would be challenging.

“It’s not like you break a vase or a glass and then find all the pieces and put them back together to get an idea,” he said. “In this case, not only are we not certain that all of the parts will be recovered, but we are also unsure of the type of damage it caused.”

But he said examining the wiring and plumbing could help identify stress points that might provide some answers.

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The National Transportation Safety Board has announced that it will provide a final report in 12 to 24 months.

Jasper Graham-Jones, associate professor of mechanical and marine engineering at the University of Plymouth, told Business Insider last week that the investigation will likely involve a “microscopic examination of every part” to determine exactly what happened.

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