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Tragic Tale of a Broken-Hearted Family: Inflexibility in Elderly Care and a Disheartening Farewell

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Tragic Tale of a Broken-Hearted Family: Inflexibility in Elderly Care and a Disheartening Farewell

Elderly Woman Dies After Lengthy Hospital Stay: Daughter Expresses Bitterness over Funeral Conditions

After spending five days in the emergency room of the Sant’Antonio Abate hospital, a 95-year-old woman tragically passed away due to a broken vertebra. According to protocol, she was supposed to be transferred to another facility for further care. However, in a twist of fate, she peacefully closed her eyes forever while still in the hospital bed.

The daughter of the deceased, Stefania Verga, spoke with tenderness as she reminisced about her final moments with her mother. Although she is grieving the loss, her bitterness stems not from the actions of the medical staff – whom she praised for their tireless efforts – but rather from what she perceives as rigid practices that should have taken into account her mother’s fragile condition at her age.

Verga’s discontent extended even to the funeral arrangements. She was deeply disappointed by the conditions of the mortuary, which she described as shabby with peeling walls, cigarette butts, and cobwebs. She felt so strongly about the state of the mortuary that she admitted, “If we had some tools with us, we would have started cleaning up ourselves.”

The grieving daughter’s words highlight the need for compassionate care for elderly patients. While the medical staff did their best to provide support, Verga believes that there should be more flexibility and understanding when it comes to those in their nineties. Considering their frailty and vulnerability, it is essential to provide them with a comfortable environment and dignified farewell.

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This case serves as a reminder for healthcare providers to reassess their protocols and practices for elderly patients. The emotional toll of losing a loved one is already significant, and a negative funeral experience further compounds the grief. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and comfort of both patients and their families during these challenging times.

Moving forward, it is hoped that medical facilities and mortuaries will take Verga’s experience to heart and work towards creating more empathetic environments for elderly patients and their families. The tragedy of losing a loved one is difficult enough without additional hardships.

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