Home » Udinese Market – Frattesi frees Samardzic / Sigh of relief for Pozzo

Udinese Market – Frattesi frees Samardzic / Sigh of relief for Pozzo

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Udinese Market – Frattesi frees Samardzic / Sigh of relief for Pozzo

The Sassuolo footballer is very close to Simone Inzaghi’s neroazzurri. This blow makes patron Pozzo breathe a big sigh of relief

Juventus patron Giampaolo Pozzo breathes a real sigh of relief. In these hours the acceleration by the neroazzurri has arrived David Frattesi and this shot definitively exonerated the Serbian midfielder of German origins (born in Berlin) Lazar Samardzic. In this market where you first have to sell a player and only then try to close another deal, will Simone Inzaghi’s team be able to afford the purchase of another top-level midfielder. We’ll see in the next few hours if the meeting scheduled for Thursday with Udinese will continue to talk about Samardzic, or in the end nothing will come of it.

The neroazzurri give every idea of ​​having pulled back and with them too the other Milan team he doesn’t seem to be interested in the ex Leipzig midfielder (at least this season). Just the journalist very close to the Rossoneri environment Carlo Pellegatti, in an exclusive for our site, specified that the team based in via Aldo Rossi does not have the purchase of the Udinese player in its plans. Removed these two teams, there is still one that is the Naples. At the moment the distance between supply and demand is really too wide and consequently it becomes really difficult to close this deal. We’ll see if the Azzurri try a real lunge in the coming weeks.

Not just Samardzic

Se the black and blue ones they let go of Lazar, we can’t say the same for the Udinese captain: Roberto Pereyra. The Argentine’s contract has officially expired and consequently it is a free transfer. Simone Inzaghi appreciates his plays and his qualities, for this very reason he could become a new member of the Milan team. Ausilio and Marotta will speak with the Tucu agent in the next few hours. Quickly changing the subject, don’t miss out on all the latest on the incoming market. Here are all the details of the Lucca deal

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July 5 – 08:52

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