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Berlusconi’s will is open, continuity in companies

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Berlusconi’s will is open, continuity in companies

His last wishes were disclosed in front of two witnesses, the lawyers Luca Fossati and Carlo Rimini, ‘representing’ his children, connected remotely


Continuity, in companies and in family life: Silvio Berlusconi’s will has been opened and life in the ‘galaxy’ of the founder of Mediaset and Forza Italia does not change. His last wishes were disclosed before two witnesses, the lawyers Luca Fossati and Carlo Rimini, in ‘representation’ of his children, connected remotely. Fininvest, which controls the television group and Mondadori, as well as a large 30% stake in Banca Mediolanum, always remains firmly in the hands of the family. And, from what we learn, with the eldest daughter Marina who is starting a leading role. What emerges from the study by the Milanese notary Arrigo Roveda, who obviously refuses any comment with the journalists, had in some way already been anticipated by Silvio Berlusconi’s lifelong friend.

Confalonieri: “I don’t know anything, you won’t steal anything from me”

Fedele Confalonieri has in fact ruled out “any repercussion in the family and on the structure of the companies controlled or owned by Fininvest”, as well as the possibility of finding “surprises”. Last week the president of Mfe-Mediaset was present in the offices of the holding during the hours of the Fininvest meeting, in which he does not formally hold any office. Just as he was still in the Milan office in via Paleocapa on the day of the opening of the will. “Frankly, I don’t know anything, you’re not stealing anything from me,” he says, smiling as always to reporters.

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At the heart of the will is Fininvest

With a turnover of subsidiaries or heavily owned companies in excess of five billion and around 20,000 total employees, obviously Fininvest is at the concrete heart of the will. The issue remains the division of 61% of the family holding which was directly owned by Silvio Berlusconi. If the ‘legitimate’ third of this quota were assigned in equal parts to the five children, the majority would refer to Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi, had with Veronica Lario. If instead this crucial share were directed towards Marina and Pier Silvio, they would have control of the holding company. The solution would have been found in a middle way, with final assignments that would not greatly shift the balance between the two parts of the family, but with a management formula that would require a broad consensus for any extraordinary operations. It is a concretely indicated role for Marina, former president of Fininvest.

Assets of three billion

However, Berlusconi’s last wishes concern very different aspects. In all, on the plate there is an accountable value of over three billion between listed companies, large real estate investments, securities, works of art and liquidity. Obviously something will also be due to his partner Marta Fascina, which should continue to have part of the residence in the historic Villa San Martino di Arcore. In the huge real estate portfolio, which includes among other things luxury residences in the Caribbean, there is also Villa Certosa in Sardinia. According to rumors, it could be one of the assets on which the children bet less and can be sold in the short term. Like the Monza football club, on which the first talks have already begun both with Vaghelis Marinakis, the Greek entrepreneur close to the conservative Greek premier Mitsotakis, and subsequently with US investment funds.

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