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The UN issues a new report against Venezuela – EntornoInteligente

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The UN issues a new report against Venezuela – EntornoInteligente

High Commissioner Volker Türk released the conclusions of the brief that runs from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023. “Of the 101 documented deaths in security operations, only eight have reached the courts,” he said.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turkpresented another harsh report on the situation in Venezuela. The text, which covers from May 1, 2022 to April 30 of this year, focuses on the latest events related to economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

It also refers to the rule of law and the degree of implementation of the recommendations made in previous reports. And denounces the persistent torture and ill-treatment in the country.

The 10 key points:

1- Torture

The High Commissioner stated that he was aware that in 2022 there were 362 charges for torture and 47 convictionsbut that your office is aware of another 91 complaints of torture presented by the victims or their representatives. About the latter, asked that the authorities investigate them, without exception and with total transparency.

In addition, regretted the delay in the investigation of the deaths recorded during citizen protests that took place in 2014, 2017 and 2019. “Of the 101 deaths that my office has documented in the context of security operations, only eight have reached the courts”, he indicated.

“I urge the authorities to ensure adequate follow-up with total transparency”, expressed Türk; while he showed his concern for the health of Javier Tarazonadirector of the NGO Fundaredes who is still detained.

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2- Inequalities, limited income and violated right to education

The brief indicated that persistent challenges and other factors continued negatively affecting essential public services, transportation, education and health.

Inflation and the devaluation of the bolivar also hampered income levels, including salaries and pensions.

A workers’ protest in Caracas (REUTERS/Leonardo Fernández Viloria)

3- Shortage of funds and personnel in health centers

Health personnel and civil society in general denounced a intimidating environment in the healthcare sectorincluding arrests and detentions of people who denounced the deficiencies of the public health system.

Women and children are disproportionately affected by the deterioration of the health system.

4- Restrictive legislative framework that facilitates the violation of human rights in health

In this item, the document indicates that the Venezuelan legal framework only allows the abortion in cases where the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. As a consequence of this, women have no choice but to resort to unsafe abortion, one of the main causes of maternal mortality, she stated.

5- Censorship

The letter denounced the closure of radio stations and blocking of websites. documented the closure of 16 radio stations across the country and the blocking of 44 Internet pages.

6- Lack of transparency

The report highlighted that the lack of transparency and access to public information remained a concern. During the study period, 71 requests were registered by civil society, of which the majority received no response.

7- Labor rights are not respected

denounced 12 cases of criminalization of union and labor leadersincluding a woman, nine of whom were arrested, as well as harassment of seven union leaders, kidnapping of a relative of a union leader, and threats against four (one against a relative).

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8- Restrictions on civic space

Document 21 cases of threats and harassment, 46 cases of stigmatizationin social networks or public broadcasts by State officials, and 17 instances of criminalizationincluding 10 cases of arbitrary detention against human rights defenders.

Gender violence is a concern in Venezuela

9- Gender violence and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people

The report denounced two cases of gender-based violence, including sexual violencein which there were delays in the investigation and prosecution of the perpetrators.

He also indicated that organizationsLGBTIQ+ They continue to request that measures be taken to allow the full enjoyment of human rights, including the drafting of a law that guarantees the right of transgender people to their self-perceived gender identity.

10- Inclusive and transparent primaries

On this point, he defended the need for the next primary elections in Venezuela, called for October 22, to be transparent and inclusive. He argued that for this restrictions should be lifted for citizens to participate in public affairs and to prevent attacks or acts of intimidation against dissenting voices.

He considered that the obstacles observed, such as the disqualification of opposition representatives from holding public office, must be urgently lifted.

The anti-Chavista opposition candidate for the 2024 presidential elections will emerge from these primaries.

The former deputy Maria Corina Machado she can participate in these primaries, but not in the presidential ones, even if she were chosen as the opposition candidate, since was recently disabled to compete for a popularly elected office for 15 years.

In this same area, Türk said his body is closely following and from the perspective of human rights the appointment of the new National Electoral Council.

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