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European premiere in vascular surgery at the Asklepios Klinik Nord – Heidberg: First …

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European premiere in vascular surgery at the Asklepios Klinik Nord – Heidberg: First …

07.07.2023 – 14:08

Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA

Hamburg (ots)

For the first time in Europe, the vascular surgeons at the Asklepios Klinik Nord-Heidberg (Hamburg) have successfully implanted a “G-branch stent graft”, a multi-branched high-end vascular prosthesis for the treatment of a life-threatening, eight-centimeter aortic aneurysm (bulge) in the abdominal artery. The vascular surgery team led by chief physician PD Dr. With the operation, which lasted several hours, Marwan Youssef was able to save an elderly patient from the great risk of bursting the aorta. The implantation of the G-Branch stent graft is one of the most complex minimally invasive vascular interventions using the most innovative endovascular technique.

So far, the therapy using the innovative high-end stent graft has only been successfully tested in the developing country of China. The vascular experts at Asklepios Klinik Nord identified the patient as particularly suitable for the new G-branch method with a high-end stent graft because of the very pronounced aneurysm he had and the fact that he was older. The special department for endovascular and vascular surgery has many years of experience with interventions on aortic aneurysms. For this reason and because of the overall excellent reputation, the team around Chief Physician PD Dr. Marwan Youssef gained the trust of the developers of the new method and used the innovative high-tech prosthesis for the first time on June 19, 2023 to treat this large aortic aneurysm. “A conventional procedure might have meant too much risk for the patient,” says PD Dr. Youssef and continues: “Because, even if the method is still very new, the accompanying risks that would have resulted from a classic major operation were assessed as more serious than the carefully prepared intervention with the new method.”

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The system was developed by Prof. Gou at the University of Beijing (China) – the first positive experiences with approx. 95 implantations were therefore already made in China before the first use in Europe at the Asklepios Klinik Nord. “Due to the proven expertise of our team in vascular surgery, we were the first in Europe to be able to perform this procedure with the high-end stent graft,” says PD Dr. Marwan Youssef. “We are particularly pleased that we can use this innovation for the patient and that he was given an implantation that was less complex and therefore safer than previous procedures with the well-known generation of prostheses. At the same time, it took less time, which reduced the risk of The anesthesia was reduced again. The patient therefore recovered from the procedure much more quickly – he felt good the day after the operation and was discharged from the clinic just 10 days later. The patient is currently doing very well.”

Months of preparations for an uncomplicated procedure

For the vascular surgery team, the procedure, which ran without any complications, was the deserved reward for months of planning, various simulations and complex preparations in the run-up to this first procedure using the new procedure. This was supported by a live online connection to a team in Beijing and also before Location in Hamburg by developers and engineers involved. “The focus of all considerations was always optimal patient care, which was guaranteed at all times during the procedure,” says PD Dr. youssef

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Three percent of the population aged 50 and over have an aneurysm

So-called abdominal aneurysms usually do not cause any symptoms – however, a large aneurysm can cause back or abdominal pain or pain in the side. The main danger with this disease is that the abdominal artery can tear or burst. The tear leads to severe blood loss, which quickly leads to dizziness, unconsciousness and, as a result, to a circulatory collapse. This situation is then life-threatening. In eight out of ten cases, a ruptured main artery leads to death. About three percent of the population aged 50 and over are affected by an aneurysm. Surgical intervention is usually required from a diameter of 5.5 centimeters, which is all the more risky with increasing age of the patient.

About Asklepios Clinic North – Heidberg

As a maximum care provider, we are dedicated to recognizing and treating somatic diseases, i.e. diseases that become noticeable through physical symptoms. With our wide range of inpatient, partially inpatient and outpatient services, we see ourselves as a family and multigenerational hospital for all phases of life. The Clinic for Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Surgery is a fundamental component of the “Vascular Center North” established in 2014. This brings together specialists from various disciplines. This department is characterized by comprehensive care using all modern examination and therapy methods.


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