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The crisis worsens – breaking latest news

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The crisis worsens – breaking latest news

Antonio C. Maldonado V.

A few days ago I returned to journalistic activity and I have verified that events at the national and international level, as well as climatic ones, have rapid changes, giving us the impression that these are events that happened a long time ago.

Every day, through the media, events are disseminated that baffle the national community, the main one at the moment is the qualification to be able to participate as candidates to be elected on August 20 of the current year, something nebulous so far by the voters Since it is a question of electing, first of all, the President of the Republic for the term that is missing from the current one, but in between the “debate” must be carried out between the 8 candidates as provided by the CNE, let’s hope that this does not take up much time and citizenship, as they say in the popular slang “something something if sleep does not overcome us”; surely what is pointed out at the national level will take effect in the provincial jurisdictions that must also elect assembly members, of which very little is known due to lack of dissemination.

Another matter that does not stop and is extremely delicate is the complaint against the State Attorney General, for alleged plagiarism of her doctoral thesis, which was brought to the attention of the Central University of Ecuador and about what her opinion is in the sense of that there is no criminal figure of plagiarism of a thesis, but an omission to cite the authorship of the source that he incorporates into his work and gives the impression that it is his own creation; but, the complainants persist in continuing with their task and appeal the resolution; on this controversial issue when interviewed by the Sub Dean of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the indicated study center, in the pertinent part he said that unfortunately the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control has become a political body at the service of the accusers, which which is somewhat ridiculous, because precisely in public academies such as the Central of Ecuador is where political parties and tendencies are forged, unlike private ones in which this does not happen publicly.

The endless roll since its creation by the rulers of the day against social security that indolently limit the service that both retirees and active duty contributors should provide and on which, as a farewell to the current president, he intends to reform the pyrrhic pensions they receive the retirees and that, as is logical and hurtful, the spirit explodes the solidarity of the classist organizations that announce public protests for the next few days throughout the country.

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The crisis is unstoppable in all sectors with protests, especially from the productive sectors, as reported in the media as milk producers are already doing in the face of the threat that this product will be imported, something similar occurs with various dairy products. basic necessity that the majority of the country’s population requires to survive.

So, faced with this panorama, the corresponding measures must be adopted to get out of the crisis.

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