Home » Enrique Gómez points out that President Petro has given the ELN a “license to kill”

Enrique Gómez points out that President Petro has given the ELN a “license to kill”

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Enrique Gómez points out that President Petro has given the ELN a “license to kill”

The guerrilla Army of National Liberation (ELN) freed Sergeant Karina Ramírez and her two minor children, who had been kidnapped in the department of Arauca by members of the Domingo Laín Suárez Front. After four days in captivity, they were handed over to a commission from the Ombudsman’s Office. This fact has generated rejection and criticism, especially due to the progress of the ceasefire.

The government of President Gustavo Petro has been questioned about the situation of violence in the country, with the ELN as one of the main actors.

Defense Minister Iván Velásquez has also received criticism for his statements prior to the release, in which he mentioned that Sergeant Ramírez was “reckless” when traveling with her children in an area known for the presence of the ELN.

Gómez has lashed out at the government and its officials, pointing out that since Petro took office, more than 200 members of the security forces have been assassinated, sometimes by the ELN. Gómez has criticized the government for allowing the ELN to recruit, plant mines and terrorize the civilian population, while maintaining a unilateral cessation of operations.

The former candidate has expressed his indignation at the supposed responsibility of the government in allowing the actions of the ELN and has described the attitude of the Minister of Defense as shameful in blaming Sergeant Ramírez and alleging her supposed irresponsibility. He has also questioned the president for using the liberation as a “flag of triumph” and has affirmed that the government is endorsing the actions of this guerrilla.

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“With a license to kill, with a license to kidnap, that is what Petro has given the ELN. Iván Velázquez’s response to Colombians is to screw them, while the narco-terrorists have a license to do whatever they want with all of us. Thank you ELN? We don’t have to thank that group of genocidal and drug traffickers for anything, ”Gómez said in a trill.

On Wednesday, July 5, President Gustavo Petro signed Decree 1117, with which he ordered the suspension of military and police operations against the ELN from midnight on Thursday, August 3, until midnight on Monday, August 29. January 2024.

The regulations issued by the Ministry of Defense and signed by the Head of State were known hours before the enlistment ordered by the Central Command (Coce) of this guerrilla to all its fronts and structures as part of compliance with the bilateral ceasefire agreed in La Havana.

In accordance with the decree, the temporary and national bilateral cessation may be extended with prior assessment by both delegations at the discussion table that will be installed in Caracas, corresponding to the fourth cycle of negotiations. Likewise, the documentation provided by the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (MMV) in accordance with the agreement of the parties will be taken into account for this.

Article 2 of the decree orders the suspension of public force operations as of 12:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 6, 2023 against ELN members who are part of the peace negotiations and “are within the limits of the procedures for the execution of the bilateral ceasefire agreement and protocols. with Infobae

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