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Telekom cable delays construction project in Muldenhammer

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Telekom cable delays construction project in Muldenhammer

Jurgen Mann is angry. The mayor of the Vogtland municipality of Muldenhammer is on Kirchstrasse. The excavators were supposed to start here eight weeks ago. So far, however, nothing has happened: “We are planning a fundamental expansion here. And for that it is necessary that the existing fiber optic cables that are in the construction space are relocated.”

Radio silence follows on request

Deutsche Telekom is responsible for this, says Thomas Fröbel from the responsible Projekta planning office in Auerbach: “According to the Telecommunications Act, Telekom is obliged to relocate its cables, otherwise civil engineering can’t even begin. The cables are laid out, secured and then re-laid by a company that Telekom commissions.” But that’s exactly the problem.

Despite multiple requests – no response. We have the impression that the municipality of Muldenhammer is far behind the forest.

Thomas Fröbel construction planner on the behavior of Telekom

Since the spring of last year, Telekom has been informed about the planned road construction work. Unsuccessfully, because there was no response to emails, letters or phone calls, Fröbel was outraged: “Nothing, quite simply nothing! Despite repeated requests – no reaction. We have the impression that the municipality of Muldenhammer is a long way behind the forest.”

Long line at Telekom

Telekom disagrees. At the request of MDR SACHSEN, it is said that planning for the construction site started in February. This will take several months and is now nearing completion. Mayor Jürgen Mann is simply stunned: “I can’t imagine that so much bureaucracy can follow so that we can finally get our act together. People don’t understand the world anymore. ‘Why aren’t you making any progress?’ ask that us.”

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The municipality takes 200,000 euros in hand. The mogul slope, which is a good 200 meters long, should disappear by the end of the year. With every day more delay that becomes less likely, explains construction planner Thomas Fröbel. “If we can assume that construction will start in July, the measure could theoretically be completed by October. But then there should be no delay.”

I want to see some movement here! We must try to implement this section this year, also in order to remain credible to our people.

Juergen Mann Mayor

Telekom promises more speed

But that is hard to imagine. Because the commissioned company is now working on a different construction site. Meanwhile, Deutsche Telekom assures that all necessary orders will be awarded quickly and the “specialist companies will be brought in”. Mayor Jürgen Mann is simply not enough: “I want to see data, I want to see some kind of movement here! We have to try to implement this section this year with all the means that are legally available to us, also in order to remain credible to our population .” Now it is up to Deutsche Telekom to end the impasse surrounding the construction of Kirchstraße in the municipality of Muldenhammer as quickly as possible.

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