Home » Weakness, paleness, tiredness: all symptoms of iron deficiency that should not be underestimated

Weakness, paleness, tiredness: all symptoms of iron deficiency that should not be underestimated

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Weakness, paleness, tiredness: all symptoms of iron deficiency that should not be underestimated

Weakness, paleness, tiredness: all symptoms of iron deficiency that should not be underestimated. Here are the possible causes and remedies

Are you not eating the right nutrients on a regular basis? Here the iron can drop, bringing with it a series of conditions that are not at all pleasant for our body, such as tiredness and exhaustion. Iron-rich foods, such as red meats, land vegetables and specific legumes, they are the basis of proper nutrition and must never be lacking. One cause of iron deficiency can be anemia, which can obviously be of various kinds and of various nature. But what is the relationship between anemia and iron deficiency?

The relationship between these two factors is important because they are closely related hemoglobin, which is the molecule which – contained within red blood cells – is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. When there is a lack of iron, the hemoglobin values ​​in the blood are unbalanced, i.e. lower. The causes of anemia are clearly varied and can be both attributable to serious pathologies and simple food shortages.

Weakness, paleness, tiredness, symptoms of iron deficiency

Were it not for the pallor, weakness and dizziness, the condition that warns the subject suffering from iron deficiency is asymptomatic. Another factor attributable to this pathology is cold hands as well as more fragile feet and nails. This is remedied by integrating the iron from the outside and therefore thanks to the use of specific supplements which, however, be careful, must be given by a specialist. It is important to know that iron is essential for our body.

The most common symptoms of anemia (tantasalute.it)

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The absorption of this mineral in the intestine varies according to the relationship of the body’s needs. If this increases, the intestinal mucosa absorbs it in a higher percentage and vice versa. Approximately 0.8-1.5 mg of iron is lost per day, but clearly this percentage varies if we are talking about male or female. 10-35% of iron is present in animals and therefore in the meat we eat while two-10% in vegetables. If we are talking about an average of 10% iron replacement must be equal to 10 times the requirement so we are talking about eight to 15 mg per day.

But what facilitates the absorption of iron? Vitamin C, sugars, citric acid and amino acids. On the contrary, hinder the absorption of iron, tea, whole foods and coffee. Iron is mainly eliminated with bile, feces, small intestinal bleeding, skin peeling and also with urine. For every milliliter of blood lost, about 0.5 mg of iron is lost. Therefore it is not easy to quantify blood losses, for example in women during menstruation. An average is calculated between 30 and 60 ml per month, but some women can also lose more by clearly touching values ​​that are not normal.

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