Home » Xi Jinping’s Socialist Ideology in the New Era: Learning, Implementation, and Results

Xi Jinping’s Socialist Ideology in the New Era: Learning, Implementation, and Results

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### Xi Jinping’s Themed Education on Chinese Characteristics in New Era

Learning and implementing President Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era have been the focus over the past three months. During this period, President Xi Jinping conducted inspections and surveys in four different regions to study the necessary tasks to build ideology, enhance wisdom, and promote positive action. This in-depth interpretation of the four aspects of education aims to promote development and deepening of theme education among party members and cadres.

In April, during an inspection in Guangdong, the emphasis was on “building the soul with learning.” The objective was to deepen the understanding and implementation of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, enhancing the foundation of belief, loyalty to the party, and firmness in serving the people.

In May, during a visit to Shaanxi, the focus shifted to “increasing wisdom through learning.” The goal was to understand the theories and principles of the Communist Party, learn practical skills for governance, and enhance political, thinking, and practical abilities.

In June, during an inspection in Inner Mongolia, the theme was “righteousness through learning.” It emphasized the need to integrate learning with reform, address party style issues, strengthen party discipline, and promote pragmatic, clean, and frugal styles of work.

In July, during a visit to Jiangsu, the call was made to “promote work through learning.” The aim was to guide party members and cadres in implementing practical actions aligned with the Party’s goals, focusing on benefiting the people, encouraging entrepreneurship, and ensuring effective implementation of policies.

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Throughout these inspections, President Xi Jinping emphasized three key requirements related to learning: promoting spiritual enrichment, increasing intelligence and skills, and promoting work-style changes and career development.

The four aspects of theme education embody the party’s expectations for party members and cadres in terms of ideology, politics, abilities, and work styles. These include loyalty to the party, satisfaction of the people, solid foundational work, and achieving practical results.

President Xi Jinping’s interpretation aims to achieve tangible results through themed education. It emphasizes the need to avoid superficial actions, rectify negative behaviors such as laziness and deceit, and fully implement the Party’s decisions and plans. This guidance addresses formalism and bureaucracy, setting a new direction for the party and society.

As we embark on a new journey, facing uncertainties, and unpredictable factors, it is essential to carry out theme education thoroughly, internalize the values of socialism with Chinese characteristics in our hearts, and externalize them in our actions. We must strive to master the principles of Marxism, build character, increase knowledge, promote a healthy environment, and focus on implementing the decisions and plans of the Communist Party. With these efforts, we can promote Chinese-style modernization, achieve progress, and make breakthroughs.

The planning of this article was conducted by Huo Xiaoguang. Zhang Xudong and Zhang Xiaosong acted as producers, while Huang Yue and Fan Sixiang were the chief writers. Wang Xuan and Chen Fei coordinated the project, and Wu Jingjing and Jia Yining played vital roles as visual editors. The article was produced by Xinhua News Agency First Studio. [责编:王宏泽]

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