Home » Man Confesses to Brutal Murder of Pregnant Partner: Dominican Justice Takes Action

Man Confesses to Brutal Murder of Pregnant Partner: Dominican Justice Takes Action

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Man Confesses to Brutal Murder of Pregnant Partner: Dominican Justice Takes Action

Title: Dominican Man Confesses to Brutal Murder of Pregnant Puerto Rican Partner

Publication: [Name of Publication], [Date]

The Dominican Republic prepares to hold a trial as Luis Eduardo Terrero Gómez faces justice for the chilling murder of his pregnant partner, Angeliris Marrero García. Terrero Gómez confessed to committing the heinous act, which took place in December 2022 in the neighboring country.

According to the ongoing investigation, the tragic incident unfolded when Marrero García traveled to the Respaldo Villa Carmen sector in Santo Domingo to spend the Christmas holidays with Terrero Gómez. The couple had been in a long-distance relationship for nearly a year.

However, on December 31, an alleged dispute between the two resulted in a horrific turn of events. Terrero Gómez, aged 26, allegedly stabbed Marrero García a shocking 80 times, leading to her untimely demise. Following the gruesome act, he summoned Marrero García’s mother through the “FaceTime” application to admit his guilt.

Mildred García, utterly devastated by the call, shared her harrowing experience with Telemundo Puerto Rico. She recounted, “On the 31st, I received a call at 10:31 from a number displaying ‘God is merciful.’ When I picked up, a voice instructed me to ‘turn on the camera.’ As soon as I did, I witnessed the most horrifying sight – my naked daughter, bathed in blood inside a bathtub, protecting her stomach. The person on the phone told me, ‘I killed her for a bitch.'”

Terrero Gómez subsequently surrendered to authorities in his home country, where a hearing took place, leading to a three-month period of pretrial detention. Tomorrow, his trial begins as he faces the Dominican justice system, as reported by Wapa Television.

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From behind bars, Terrero Gómez spoke to Telemundo, expressing no remorse for his actions. He emphasized that he candidly admitted to committing the murder, stating that he stood by his decision.

According to his account, the fatal argument between Terrero Gómez and Marrero García revolved around an immigration process. The accused had been seeking to relocate from the Dominican Republic to Orlando, Florida, where the victim resided.

Speaking with Telemundo from prison, Terrero Gómez revealed, “The last form was not submitted to me,” implying that this perceived betrayal triggered his violent actions against Marrero García, a 26-year-old native of Río Grande, Puerto Rico.

As the trial commences, the court will weigh the testimonies and evidence presented to determine the appropriate course of justice for this gut-wrenching crime. The severity of the crime has caused shockwaves throughout the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and beyond, as all await the verdict in what is sure to be a highly publicized and closely followed legal proceeding.

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