Home » Diabetes in Paraguay presents hidden and undiagnosed cases

Diabetes in Paraguay presents hidden and undiagnosed cases

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Diabetes in Paraguay presents hidden and undiagnosed cases

Diabetes has become a chronic disease of alarming proportions in Paraguay. Even more worrisome is the large number of hidden and undiagnosed cases in the country, according to Dr. Doris Royg, Director of the National Diabetes Program of the Ministry of Public Health (Mspbs), who calls for immediate action by citizens .

In an interview with Tribuna, a program broadcast by Paraguay TV, Dr. Royg warns that “almost all of us are at risk” due to family history, lack of physical activity, and a poor diet that includes excessive consumption of sugary drinks.

The figure is alarming, 500,000 Paraguayans have diabetes, but only 126,000 receive treatment. Dr. Royg emphasizes the importance of going to the doctor at least once a year to carry out basic studies and detect the presence of diabetes in time.

The lack of awareness about the symptoms and risk factors of diabetes, as well as unhealthy lifestyle habits, contribute to this alarming situation. “It is necessary that both society and the health system become aware of the seriousness of diabetes in Paraguay and come together to combat it effectively,” he said.

In this sense, he warned that self-medication with corticosteroids during the covid-19 pandemic and the presence of chikungunya also represents a risk for the development of diabetes. These drugs, while they may be beneficial in treating these diseases, can also increase insulin resistance and affect glucose metabolism,” she noted.

He explained that, in this way, there is an increase in blood sugar levels that can lead to the development of diabetes or worsen glycemic control in people who already have it. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional rather than self-medicate.

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The Ministry of Public Health has implemented Family Health Units to recruit more patients and provide them with treatment. In addition, a “type 2 diabetes risk calculator” has been developed on the ministry’s website, which people can use to assess their risk.

The institution points out that it is essential to promote a change in the life habits of the Paraguayan population, which implies promoting a healthy and balanced diet, as well as the regular practice of physical activity. These measures are crucial to both prevent and effectively control diabetes.

Source: IP Agency news portal.

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