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Taxes: This calculator shows how much taxes and duties you pay to the state

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Taxes: This calculator shows how much taxes and duties you pay to the state

Economy 52.7 percent on average

This calculator shows how much taxes and duties you pay to the state

As of: 8:12 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

For every euro earned this year, 52.7 cents go to the state

Quelle: Getty Images/Westend61

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Until July 12th, the entire income of taxpayers and contributors for a year goes to the state. The Association of Taxpayers calls the day “Taxpayer Memorial Day”. Everyone can now have their personal exposure calculated using an online calculator.

It’s not often that the Taxpayers’ Union comes up with good news for citizens. But this year the time has come. According to the self-proclaimed lobby association, all taxpayers and contributors will be able to dispose of their income one day earlier in 2023 without having to pay taxes. The annual “Taxpayer Memorial Day” proclaimed by the association is already on July 12th, not on July 13th as in the previous year.

Calculations based on household surveys by the Federal Statistical Office showed that for every euro earned this year, 52.7 cents will go to the state. In the previous year it was 53 cents, said the taxpayers’ association. There are reliefs, for example, due to the lower VAT rate for natural gas and the abolition of the EEG surcharge.

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The loads can be higher in individual cases, but also lower. This depends on the household constellation – in percentage terms, single people depend more on income than families. Consumer behavior also plays a role.

For example, if you smoke, have a dog and a car, fly a lot and use electricity, you pay more indirect taxes. Anyone who wants to get a feeling for when their personal taxpayer memorial day is, i.e. how much taxes and duties they pay in total, can do so using the online calculator of the taxpayers’ association calculate. After entering personal income and consumption values, there is also a comparison with the national average.

More than half of the income generated is redistributed by the state

Reiner Holznagel, President of the Taxpayers’ Association, admitted that the matter of the taxpayer commemoration day was a numbers game. Of course, no one works for free in the first half of the year either – and it is also true that a large part of the tax and contribution payments go back to the citizens in the form of state benefits.

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But the commemoration day in July makes it clear that more than half of the income generated continues to be redistributed and administered by the state. “The extent of the state redistribution of more than 50 percent of income is dangerous because it dampens the incentive to work and affects many people’s sense of justice,” said Holznagel.

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In this context, he is also critical of the recent discussion on the abolition of spouse splitting. “It contributes to the fact that people are unsettled,” he said. In marriage splitting, he does not see a particularly high incentive for spouses not to work. The non-contributory co-insurance of the spouse is more important in monetary terms. But he doesn’t want to change that either. The SPD chairman Lars Klingbeil had proposed a rapid abolition of the tax benefits through spouse splitting for all new marriages.

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