Home » Msc, emptier pockets for the king of ships Aponte: Sas with a loss of 163.7 million

Msc, emptier pockets for the king of ships Aponte: Sas with a loss of 163.7 million

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Msc, emptier pockets for the king of ships Aponte: Sas with a loss of 163.7 million

Sas at a loss, in 2021 the profit of 120.8 million made it possible to distribute a dividend of 130 million

The king of container and cruise shipowners loses money. The surprise is contained in the SAS 2022 financial statementsacronym of Shipping Agencies Servicesthe safe that supervises all of Gianluigi’s businesses in the Grand Duchy The bridgepatron of the group Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) based in Switzerland (and parent of SAS), which recently tried and failed to buy the Italian airline Airways and that has run himself a candidate to take over i Italo-Ntv trains.

The balance sheet reveals a group with a total assets of almost 12 billion made up of $8.7 billion in equity investments and nearly $2 billion in receivables from them. But certainly it is surprising that compared to 8.8 billion between capital and reserves, last year’s financial year closed with a loss of 163.7 million compared to the profit of 120.8 million in 2021 which had made it possible (also by drawing on reserves) to distribute a dividend of 130 million to the shareholder Aponte.

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