Home » guerrilla presence in La Plata, Huila

guerrilla presence in La Plata, Huila

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guerrilla presence in La Plata, Huila

Several guerrillas were recorded while walking through the streets of the town center of Gallego, in La Plata, Huila.

On social networks, the video in which several guerrillas are seen walking calmly through public roads in the municipality of La Plata went viral.

In the video it can be seen how several presumed guerrillas with military clothing and boots walk the streets carrying rifles, before the astonished gaze of the population.

On the other hand, in the same town center of Gallego, jurisdiction of the municipality of La Plata, the inhabitants announced that on Monday morning, several signs alluding to the FARC-EP, Ismael Ruiz Front, were found.

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Regarding what happened, former congressman Jaime Felipe Lozada commented through his Twitter account: “The guerrilla patrolling the Galician town center in broad daylight in the municipality of La Plata, the Petro government in less than a year returned us to the worst times in our recent history, to the time when the terrorists were in charge and the communities were silent”.

For his part, the deputy from Huila Omar Alexis Díaz, mentioned: “Because of events like these that occurred in Gallego – La Plata Huila, we do not intend to remain silent. The security agencies and the Municipal, Departmental and National Governments must give an explanation. In broad daylight these DELINQUENTS with rifles patrolling the sector”.

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This fact has generated anxiety in the population awaiting an official pronouncement by the local authorities.

It is worth mentioning that the authorities have been carrying out different operations precisely against dissidents in the department of Huila, reinforcing the military presence in areas such as Valencia de la Paz in Íquira.

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