Home » Chronic kidney disease: 70% of family doctors can find out the symptoms thanks to the nephrological card

Chronic kidney disease: 70% of family doctors can find out the symptoms thanks to the nephrological card

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Chronic kidney disease: 70% of family doctors can find out the symptoms thanks to the nephrological card

A seemingly simple tool for discovering chronic kidney disease. It is the nephrological card – developed and validated by a multidisciplinary group of nephrologists, internists and general practitioners – and now a survey has quantified its usefulness in the clinical practice of Italian family doctors, by interviewing a sample of 24 professionals, who in complex they treat over 30,000 people.

Here are the data, in summary: thanks to the form, 71% of the sample managed to promptly identify some symptoms and send the patient to a nephrologist specialist, and 75% were able to quickly identify cases in which the pathology was already full-blown . Overall, 90% thought the card was a useful tool, and 25% used it several times a week.

Chronic kidney disease, what is the nephrological card and how it can delay dialysis by Dario Rubino 16 December 2022

Anemia as a spy

Interviews were conducted after 6 months of card use. The initiative is part of the KAN – Kidney Anemia Network project, conceived and managed by ISHEO, created with the unconditional contribution of Astellas Pharma SpA and saw the scientific collaboration of the Federation of Internist Hospital Managers Associations (Fadoi). “Chronic kidney disease affects over 4 million people and it is estimated that around 20% of these develop anemia as a complication, with strong repercussions on daily life – explains Dario Manfellotto, President of the Fadoi Foundation -. Anemia can therefore be used as a sentinel and the form allows us to fill the knowledge gap with respect to the risks of latent renal disease”.

Shorten waiting lists

Early diagnosis could prevent dialysis and early cardiovascular events for many patients. Hence the importance, however, also of a prompt response from the health system. Indeed, the survey revealed that half of the patients for whom alarm bells had been identified had to wait 2-3 months for a visit to the nephrologist. “It is important to roll up your sleeves – comments Luca De Nicola, full professor of Nephrology at the University of Campania L. Vanvitelli and member of the Italian Society of Nephrology (Sin) – We need to ensure that stable networks are established with nephrologists of reference, so that referrals to the specialist can come as quickly as possible, as well as access to therapies”. “Chronic kidney disease can in fact have various cardiovascular complications or lead to the onset of other diseases such as diabetes, and even require a kidney transplant, adds Maura Ravera, Nephrologist at the San Martino Polyclinic Hospital in Genoa, secretary of the Foundation of the Rene (FIR) and member of the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN).

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Chronic kidney disease: early diagnosis thanks to Dario Rubino’s nephrology card 09 March 2023

There is another advantage of using the nephrological card: it allows you to discern those cases that do not require the assistance of a nephrologist. “This translates into more time and quality of care for people who actually need it and allows complications, such as anemia, to be dealt with in a more incisive and timely manner – concludes Fulvio Bonetti, General Medicine Doctor ATS Brianza – Lo finally, this tool gives general practitioners an important role in the multidisciplinary discussion on pathology”.

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