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Police Return Stolen Objects to University of Cienfuegos Following String of Robberies

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Police Return Stolen Objects to University of Cienfuegos Following String of Robberies

Title: Stolen Items Returned to University of Cienfuegos as Forced Robberies Persist in the Area

Date: [Insert Date]

The police authorities in Cienfuegos have successfully returned stolen objects to the University of Cienfuegos in central-south Cuba. The handover of the stolen items, which included computers and tires, took place in the popular CallejĆ³n del Cura, Pastorita, and Buena Vista buildings.

Lieutenant Colonel Didiet GĆ³mez PĆ©rez, a member of the Provincial Criminal Investigations Unit, informed the local newspaper September 5 that the thefts were carried out using force on multiple occasions.

According to Lieutenant Colonel GĆ³mez PĆ©rez, the accused have already confessed their involvement in the crimes. However, the focus now is to uncover the full extent of the criminal network behind the series of crimes committed against the educational institution this year.

The officials at the University of Cienfuegos expressed their gratitude for the return of the stolen assets. The rector of the university emphasized the value of the items, not only for their economic cost but also for their importance in various operations conducted by the institution.

Unfortunately, forced robberies in the area have become recurrent in recent weeks. In Buena Vista, several neighbors fell victim to theft, but thankfully, the MININT was able to recover their belongings. Among the items returned were a washing machine, a fan, a television with its decoder box, and a bag. While some victims have not yet recovered everything that was stolen, investigations into their cases are still ongoing.

Lieutenant Colonel GĆ³mez PĆ©rez disclosed that the incidents in Buena Vista involved three individuals who had conspired to commit crimes. These individuals, who are residents of the area, meticulously planned their robberies to target specific victims.

The University of Cienfuegos and the local authorities are working hand in hand to ensure the safety and security of the educational institution and its surrounding community. Investigations are ongoing to identify the full scope of the criminal network behind these forced robberies, with the aim of bringing those responsible to justice.

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As the authorities persevere in their efforts to put an end to these criminal activities, the residents of Cienfuegos are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police to deter further crimes in the area.

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