Home » Healthcare, Zangrillo: “Plausible closure of the contract for doctors by July”

Healthcare, Zangrillo: “Plausible closure of the contract for doctors by July”

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Healthcare, Zangrillo: “Plausible closure of the contract for doctors by July”

“I also think that the objective of closing the doctors’ contract by the month of July is plausible”. The Minister of Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillo, who attended the presentation of the financial statements of the San Donato Group in Milan, is certain of this.

«I believe – he added – that any organization to function well needs motivated human capital and certainly the item of salary is one of those that make up people’s motivation. So on my part there will be the maximum effort to get what we can to give satisfaction on this front as well”.

In recent days, in fact, there had been a lot of talk about the sanitary contract. The clash had ignited above all on the definition of timetables: a crucial point on which the unions are ready to do battle, announcing a possible mobilization due to the stalemate in which negotiations have ended in the last five months.
The contract renewal for the three-year period 2019-2021 concerns 135,000 white coats of the National Health System.

By default, doctors are expected to work 38 hours a week. But the new draft says that companies will be able to resort to additional working hours to achieve results, making the extra hours part of a generic fund. In fact, the unions explain, the extra hours would not be adequately paid. The new contract should also lead to an average increase in remuneration of 4.5%, as already foreseen, while the necessary economic resources have not yet been allocated for the 2022-2024 contract.

On the sidelines of the San Donato Group press conference, Minister Zangrillo also focused on the contract for the school. “Right now we are meeting with the trade union organizations. We had a 12-hour meeting yesterday which resumed this morning to sign the contract».

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Zangrillo then added that he had heard from the president of Aran (Agency for the Negotiating Representation of Public Administrations) and «it seems to me that we are heading towards closure. I think we will be able to conclude this last contract which closes the 2019-2021 session. It does not escape me that we close it in 2023, I arrived in October 2022 and the first thing I did in November was to sign contracts for 2.2 million public employees. Now the important challenge is to create the conditions to start the path for the renewal of the 22-24 contracts », he added.

Then, on the obligations for the future: «We have a first appointment in September with Nadef, in the next few days I will meet Minister Giorgetti to try to understand how many resources we have at our disposal. There is no clear definition, we need to understand how inflation will move. It is an important commitment, I remember that the previous contract renewal cost 10 billion, we are talking about a significant financial commitment », he concluded.

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