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Government launches Winter 2023 Reforestation Plan

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Government launches Winter 2023 Reforestation Plan

For the Mexican researcher and columnist, Fernanda Ortega, the success of the security measures implemented by President Nayib Bukele have unleashed a whole “Bukelemania”, not only in El Salvador, but in other countries, where admiration for the president it is indisputable.

In a column published on the TV Azteca web platform, Ortega points out that the admiration for Bukele is due, to a large extent, to the effectiveness of the security plans that he has implemented in the country, such as the emergency regime.

The researcher highlights that the emergency regime is the tool that has allowed “66,000 people have been arrested, accused of being gang members, and of these, at least 4,000 have been admitted to the El Salvador Terrorism Containment Center, a prison and star project of Bukele, which is equivalent to five times the Zócalo of the CDMX, and which has a capacity for 40,000 prisoners.

“The results have been clear, in 2015, the homicide rate in El Salvador was 106 per 100,000 inhabitants. Seven years later, it dropped to 7 murders, for the same number of citizens, “he forcefully points out in his article.

In this sense, Ortega questions those who have described the exceptional regime as lake “inhuman” or that violates human rights. However, he emphasizes that gang members have ended thousands of lives in El Salvador and caused pain to thousands of families, so an exemplary punishment is a commensurate reward for their crimes.


«In said prison there are no beds, recreational patios or conjugal visits. Only metal sheets to sleep on, 19 watchtowers, and one bathroom for every 100 inmates. And surely yes, it is difficult to imagine, and the shred of humanity that lives inside us will tell us that it is a cruel punishment, that it violates all dignity»express.

“But what about the thousands of Salvadoran families who for years had to take care of the gangs? Would we think the same if we had had to see how a cousin was shot in the head, or one of our neighbors was raped? Can you really call someone who never took his heart and killed someone from his own family a ‘human’? Are these entities really worthy of rights?»add.

Finally, Ortega details that “These figures, together with other achievements of the Salvadoran government, have unleashed a Bukelemania, especially on social networks, where even people from other nations recognize Nayib’s work and ask him to be president of their countries or of America.”

“Nayib Bukele has 92% approval among Salvadorans, which could lead him to be president for the second time, of course, as long as he wins the February elections. However, this acceptance has not prevented international organizations, Human Rights and rulers from tearing their hair out over the measures that Bukele and his government have taken to stop criminals. Could it be that their interests are being affected, rather than a genuine concern for the detainees?questions.

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