by admin


The concession or the contract entered into between the Administration of Edgar Bonilla and the Empugar Company, has been one of the most recalcitrant damages that has been caused to the Municipality of Garzón in recent administrations, coupled with the fact that the current government, It has been incapable of assuming responsibility for the management of said residential public service and, on the contrary, has allowed the situation to go from bad to worse for the general public by omitting its duties.

A dignified and responsible civil servant with the community cannot flaunt such contracting with private companies because of the way in which it has become one of the great evils that affect the economy of citizens on the one hand, while at the same time These companies raised the collection rates to the ceiling of what was allowed and also because, as is public knowledge, the service is going from bad to worse.

It is sad that several days go by without the collection of garbage, that in the streets of Garzón, we have to run to clear the road, due to the speed that these vehicles develop at certain times, making even the calls of their own workers or workers inadmissible, when they move in the exercise of garbage collection tasks, in addition to the fact that the bags are torn, care is not taken when depositing them in the collection cars or in the dump trucks that they use and thus the disaster is widespread, splashed at times by birds scavengers, who like the politicians on duty, are lining up for partisan endorsements at this time.

It is unfortunate that also in the middle of the electoral process, there is no candidate who really puts on his shirt to restore our peace of mind and commit to taking actions forward so that EMPUGAR can resume public service without that laborious search for capital, and the rates are reduced to their fair levels, with the exception, and I want to leave this in mind, that those who propose this theory are forced to involve all the workers or servers in this task of garbage collection, with the obligation that a sense of belonging, an unconditional love for the work they carry out and a fair and equitable consideration for their performance, as they deserve and with the stability that is demanded and must be fulfilled.

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As far as it has to do with the laziness of the current administration in the recovery of public space and the way in which it is harmonizing with commerce in roads and public spaces without compensation for the administration and in violation of each and every one of the requirements in the recovery of the minimum rights of citizens to their territory, we can say nothing, because the immediate response will be what we all already know: “I’m going out”, and “that’s what the next mayor deals with”.

And with the mediocre public cleaning service that they provide us, with the lighting or public lighting and the failures in the surveillance cameras of the municipality, with the mockery of traffic lights by motorcycle transporters and public service transporters in particular and the invasion of all sectors of public roads, must be added the presence of television, internet and other cable operators that no longer allow us to move in peace through our city, must be added the social abandonment in which we find ourselves, we consider that presenting ourselves to elections in the next contest, it is a relief for some and torture for others, since the impossible will be done to cover, cover and cover, while those who dedicate themselves to uncovering and uncovering will receive rejection and animosity of the institutionality.

Let us rescue Garzón from the hands of those who never knew his town, and came only to wreak havoc and leave us abandoned, as we are.

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