Home » M5S, the champions of populist demands have changed… for the worse

M5S, the champions of populist demands have changed… for the worse

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M5S, the champions of populist demands have changed… for the worse

M5S, the champions of populist demands have changed for the worse

Probably a few years ago ride the wave of political malpracticetaking sides in favor of the people and standing up a champions of “populist” instances paid a party: the 5 Star Movement.

Do you remember all the slogans including: “We will open Parliament as if it were a can of tuna”?

Well that’s not the case anymore. Their parliamentary and government experience has led nowhere, on the contrary it has highlighted all the negative aspects of a policy of “against”, against anything, any idea and any party. Too bad they’ve changed, naturally for the worse, how?

Here is the mystery: Today the umpteenth turnaround with the Montecitorio presidency office which approved the increase in allowances, equal to that already disbursed for commission presidents, equal to 2,226.92 euros gross per month, 1,269.34 euros net.

The decision was made with the favorable vote of the majority groups and the Five Star Movement. On the other hand, Pd, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra and Roberto Giachetti of Action and Italia Viva abstained. The increase will not weigh on the Montecitorio budget because it will come, it is explained, from the resources already in the hands of the groups themselves. Conte’s turnaround, the 5 Stars vote with the Meloni government the increase in the salaries of group leaders in the Chamber (msn.com) Incidentally: the bill has already been paid with taxpayers’ money. Now, what regret is not the fact that they voted together with the majority for this measure, but as pointed out above there was a triple somersault with a piked twist and with all due respect to all the intentions of having a transparent Parliament and in favor of the resident population in Italy.

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I don’t like writing about politics by pointing out the mistakes, even if they are sensational, but my thoughts are always aimed at what are the “desiderata” of the People. I hope this is a lesson for all of us, who may have emotionally voted for the M5S or similar, because waking up in the morning and taking a cold shower certainly invigorates, but makes you think it’s time to also have some hot water to wash yourself and be able to sing peacefully in the shower. It’s a shame to dash people’s hopes, but “c’est la vie” is the life… politics of I’m the best. Or they took Horace at his word: “carpe diem”, which translated can also mean “take advantage of today”.

We will talk about it again in the next votes.

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