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15-year-old taken to hospital in serious condition

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15-year-old taken to hospital in serious condition

The conditions of the fifteen-year-old are serious and shortly after 5.30 pm on Saturday 15 July he was hit by three stab wounds at the end of a fight in the Rocca park area in Monselice, Padua. He was urgently airlifted to the Padua hospital, where he was hospitalized in red code. On his body, the signs of at least three blows, two in the legs and one in the chest. The teenager is originally from Ospedaletto Euganeo, not far from Monselice, and at the moment his parents are next to him, who rushed to the hospital as soon as they were warned of what had happened. The Monselice station carabinieri are investigating the matter and are now on the trail of those responsible. In fact, the investigators believe that the attack took place during a fight involving several young people, all of the same age or slightly older than the injured young man.

A previous episode but without the use of knives

For the moment, the reasons that caused the situation to degenerate are not known, but it is not possible – at least for now – to exclude any hypothesis, from the attempted robbery to events typical of petty crime, but it is clear that the tender age of both the victim and of attackers is an extremely alarming factor. The center of Monselice is not new to clashes between groups of young people and teenagers, but knives had never come out before yesterday. On 17 January 2022 in the very central Piazza Mazzini, some young people, all between 16 and 20 years old, mostly of North African origin, fought each other, and on that occasion the only one to be injured was a twenty-nine year old from Monselice hit by a bottle in the head, but without serious consequences, curable with an eight-day prognosis.

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The first citizen: “Such serious events have never happened”

“I myself have no memory of such events that occurred in our city – commented the first citizen of Monselice, Giorgia Bedin – perhaps the last case of stabbing dates back to the early nineties, when I was about the age of the boy who was injured . Our thoughts are all aimed at him and his family, who can recover in the best possible way and in the shortest possible time ». In order to track down the attackers, it will also be essential to examine the footage from the surveillance cameras that guard the area, which the mayor himself will make available to the police. “Such violence cannot even be commented on – added Mayor Bedin – on behalf of the whole city, I have faith in the work of the police, who will surely track down the boys and make them face up to their responsibilities. The whole area is under video surveillance, and it is probable that our cameras have filmed everything». The young people who took part in the fight disappeared before help arrived, but the carabinieri are currently on their trail and hope to identify them soon.

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