Home » Dust from Sahara Dunes Arrives in Mexico: Effects and Benefits

Dust from Sahara Dunes Arrives in Mexico: Effects and Benefits

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Dust from Sahara Dunes Arrives in Mexico: Effects and Benefits

Dust from the Sahara Arrives in Mexico, Affecting Multiple States

July 15, Mexico City – The National Meteorological Service (SMN) has reported that a cloud of dust from the Sahara desert has arrived in Mexico. The dust cloud is expected to have low concentrations and is likely to be dispersed over the Yucatan Peninsula, affecting states such as Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Tabasco. Furthermore, the dust is expected to reach the east, south, and southeast regions of the country.

The Sahara dust cloud, which derives its name from the Sahel region in the Sahara desert, is a phenomenon that occurs yearly from late spring and extends until early autumn. This atmospheric event coincides with high temperatures and low pressures in North Africa.

According to experts, warm air carries the dust particles across the Atlantic Ocean until they reach the Yucatan Peninsula and eastern Mexico. Additionally, the dust mass is also moving towards the southeastern United States and is estimated to reach the Yucatan region on or around July 21.

One of the most noticeable effects of the Sahara dust cloud is the change in the colors of sunsets and sunrises, which appear reddish due to the scattering of the sun’s rays. Furthermore, the hot, dry, and strong winds brought by the dust contribute to the intensification of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean.

While the dust may cause throat and respiratory tract irritation among the population, it also has beneficial effects. The dust helps fertilize the soil as it passes through different regions. Additionally, the National Center for the Prevention of Disasters (Cenapred) claims that the presence of Sahara dust leads to a reduction in tropical cyclones and their intensity, thanks to decreased cloud formation.

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Authorities recommend taking necessary precautions, such as using face masks or covering sensitive areas during dust storms. As the dust cloud continues to move across Mexico, the population is advised to stay informed about weather conditions and follow guidance from local health authorities.

As Mexico experiences the arrival of the Sahara dust, scientists and meteorologists continue to study the phenomenon to better understand its impact on climate patterns and human health.

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