Home » Survey: Every fourth German medium-sized company is thinking about giving up

Survey: Every fourth German medium-sized company is thinking about giving up

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Survey: Every fourth German medium-sized company is thinking about giving up

According to a current industry survey, more than every fourth medium-sized company (26 percent) is considering giving up their own business. This is from a survey by Federal association of medium-sized businesses out, which is available to the German Press Agency. More than every fifth medium-sized company (22 percent) is considering relocating abroad.

Above all, the entrepreneurs feel inhibited by too much bureaucracy, almost a third of those surveyed cited excessive regulations as a restriction. More than a quarter see high taxes and levies as an obstacle. A good quarter of those surveyed also felt restricted in their business by the worsening shortage of skilled workers.

“The results of our survey are more than just a warning signal,” said the association’s chairman, Markus Jerger, according to a statement. When entrepreneurs who are deeply rooted in their homeland and think about giving up or moving abroad, “nobody can be left indifferent”.

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Among the medium-sized companies surveyed, the desire for reliability and predictability with regard to the general conditions is very pronounced. In the survey, however, almost 40 percent gave the infrastructure in Germany a positive rating, and 36 percent praised the political stability.

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The Federal Association of Medium-Sized Businesses surveyed its member companies for the evaluation. A good 1,200 companies took part in the survey between July 6th and 13th.

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