Home » 63% of Bogotá councilors will seek re-election

63% of Bogotá councilors will seek re-election

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63% of Bogotá councilors will seek re-election

THE ELECTIONS of Local Authorities that will be carried out in 2023, will allow Colombian citizens to elect mayors, governors, councilors, deputies to departmental assemblies and mayors of local administrative boards for the period 2024-2027.

Under this premise, THE NEW CENTURY He updated the report published on May 12 regarding the re-election of councilors. Four months before the elections, 27 councilors will seek re-election, 6 are pending definition in the coming days and 3 made the decision not to participate in the contest. 5 more are candidates for mayor.

For the Alianza Verde party, councilors Edward Arias, Diego Cancino, María Clara Name, Diego Laserna, Libardo Asprilla, Julián Espinosa and Andrés Onzaga will seek to be re-elected.

Edward Arias, current president of the Bogotá Council, indicated that he will seek re-election under their banners. “My theme will always be focused on health. My goal will be to achieve for the next period, that from the Council we promote an incentive for young people to study without having to pay to travel to their educational centers. Thanks to my children, I have developed a special love for pets and for this I am structuring the creation of the certificate for them, ”he announced.

For his part, councilor Diego Cancino said he wants to repeat the Bogotá Council, doubling the vote of confidence that he was given four years ago. “We want to continue working to tell the truth, denounce shortcuts, to defend life and to defend human rights.”, he asserted.

In the same way, councilor María Clara Name will aspire again to the Bogotá Council in order to continue working mainly for the citizens and children. For his part, councilor Diego Laserna confirmed that he will seek re-election, emphasizing continuing to follow up on the recovery works. “That the IDU finally finish them well and restructure that entity, press for it to be restructured. On the other hand, looking for Bogotá to stop using the containers that have only brought problems and return to the tool of collecting a minimum of debris free of charge for all users, ”he explained.

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In another order, the councilor Libardo Asprilla pointed out that from the Council he will continue to bet on Social Inclusion and Sports, as fundamental axes to guarantee a more equitable city. “We will continue to follow the regulation of the Inclusive Bogotá Seal, an initiative that I carried out through Agreement 866 of 2003 for access to decent employment, strengthening and visualization of inclusive companies,” he announced.

Finally, the councilors Julián Espinosa and Andrés Onzaga confirmed their aspiration to the Council without giving further details. Onzaga has led the Humanized Birth project that seeks to safeguard the life of both the mother and the child where guarantees of physical, emotional and psychological well-being can be provided.

For the Liberal Party, councilors Samir Abisambra, Álvaro Acevedo, Venus Albeiro Silva, Germán García, María Victoria Vargas and Armando Gutiérrez will seek re-election.

Councilor Samir Abisambra told THE NEW CENTURY that its focus will be to continue increasing the places of all students in higher education. “This must be accompanied by the improvement of security in our city where we can have a district police that deals with issues of violations of police inspection and that the institution is dedicated to gross security issues in our city, we owe it fight for it to get ahead in Congress,” he said.

For his part, councilman Álvaro Acevedo stated that he will aspire to continue in the Council to work on what has been built in terms of the metro cable lines, the decentralization of the District University and the construction of the new San Juan de Dios hospital. Meanwhile, councilor Venus Silva will seek to continue working on social, cultural and sports issues. “If we resolve the social issues there will be democracy and if there is democracy we will end inequality and poverty,” she said.

Similarly, councilor Germán García indicated that he hopes to continue in the Council to “put an end to bandits and crime that plagues citizens, to continue opening spaces for participation that materialize in clear territorial actions that improve the quality of life of Bogotanos”.

Councilwoman María Victoria Vargas pointed out that she will be a candidate for the Council again with the certainty that she will be elected again by the people of Bogotá. “They recognize the important work that I have done from the City Council, particularly in the exercise of political control, denouncing corruption, which is the worst problem that this city has and that this country has,” she said. Finally, councilman Armando Gutiérrez confirmed his aspiration without giving further details.

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For the Centro Democrático party, councilors Humberto Amín, Jorge Colmenares, Diana Diago, Javier Ospina and Oscar Ramírez Vahos will seek re-election.

Councilor Humberto Rafael Amín reported that, if he is re-elected, for his 2024-2027 period his priorities will be the recovery of security, monitoring and control of the execution of the resources assigned to the main infrastructure works, improvement of displacement and speed control on the tracks.

Likewise, councilor Jorge Colmenares said that he will seek to channel the use of technological means in favor of citizen security, as well as allow the articulation and unification of the different security entities.

For her part, Councilor Diana Diago pointed out to EL NUEVO SIGLO that I have been a councilor who has defended security tooth and nail. “I will continue to do it because the city needs a transformation,” she stated.

Councilor Javier Ospina said that from the Council he will continue working on security and citizen complaints, citizen unconsciousness and employment, business and commerce. Finally, councilor Oscar Ramírez Vahos, current vice president of the District Council, pointed out that if he is re-elected he will seek to recover security in Bogotá, improve mobility by promoting differential rates for Transmilenio and exercising political control over the investment of public resources.

For the Cambio Radical party, councilors Samuel Arrieta and Rolando González confirmed their aspiration to the Council. Arrieta announced that he will continue working for the construction and operation of the First Line of the Metro and more educational places for young people.

Among those for the Colombia Humana Patriotic Union party, councilors Ana Teresa Bernal and José Cuesta will seek re-election. Bernal will carry the flags of continuing to work for human rights and victims, while Cuesta intends to head the list for the Historical Pact Council in order to guarantee the construction of the underground metro and the reopening of the San Juan de Dios Hospital.

For the Polo Democrático, councilor Celio Nieves confirmed his aspiration to the District Council. “I want to continue working for the public, education and health with access and permanence without barriers”, he affirmed.

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For the New Liberalism, councilor Juan Baena will seek re-election with the banners of security, mobility and vulnerable population.

Similarly, councilors Marco Acosta and Emel Rojas will seek re-election for the Colombia Justa Libres party. “We must rescue the security of the city, employment and for this we need to work very hard also on productivity,” said Acosta. For his part, councilor Emel Rojas will work for security, prohibit the consumption of narcotics and the construction of the second district jail.

Similarly, for the Dignity Party, councilor Manuel Sarmiento will seek re-election. “I am going to the council to continue accompanying the struggles that different sectors of the population give absolutely inequitable that privileges the particular interests of a few,” he said.

Finally, for the Movimiento Alternativo Indígena y Social (MAIS) party, councilwoman Ati Quigua confirmed her aspiration to the Bogotá Council, noting that her proposal is part of the recovery of cultural memory territorial and environmental.

Councilors Martín Rivera, Luz Marina Gordillo and Juan Felipe Grillo will not run for Council. On the other hand, councilors Julián Rodríguez, Pedro Julián López, Cesar García, Álvaro Argote, Fabián Puentes, Rubén Torrado and Marisol Gómez have not confirmed their aspiration.

Lastly, councilors Lucía Bastidas, Luis Carlos Leal, María Fernanda Rojas, Heidy Sánchez and Carlos Carrillo are currently running for mayor of Bogotá, so they will not be able to continue as councilors in the new period.

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