Home » Ivrea, the future of young people? Only slightly more than 25% can be seen in the area

Ivrea, the future of young people? Only slightly more than 25% can be seen in the area

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Ivrea, the future of young people?  Only slightly more than 25% can be seen in the area


Introduce yourself to the Zac! the results of the questionnaire “Ivrea, a city for young people?” promoted by Civic Laboratory. The data, the result of the answers provided by a heterogeneous sample of 103 under 35s, give an idea of ​​the opinion of young people on the city.

It is impressive but not surprising that to the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, only just over 25% gave a Canavese municipality as the answer, while the vast majority preferred other Italian or foreign cities. A figure that is linked to that which emerged on mobility, considered the first problem on which to intervene by almost 20% of the interviewees.

A youth intolerant of the prospects offered by the city and the impossibility of moving around easily, but not for this reason disaffected with their own territory: as many as 42% of the interviewees are members of at least one association. A mostly active young population; it is no coincidence that the dialogue with the third sector and the theme of urban regeneration linked to the increase in public meeting spaces emerge as central themes.

After the analysis of the results presented by Simone Bergò of Laboratorio civico, the interventions of the municipal councilors Sara Diena, elected in Turin with Sinistra Ecologista, and Vittoria Briccarello, elected in the opposition in Asti with the United list is possible.

Starting from the results of the questionnaire, Diena underlines: «There is great distrust of institutional politics on the part of young people, who often prefer alternative political spaces. The presence of under 35s within the municipal councils is useful to ensure that at least a part of that energy has weight within the administrative bodies». Briccarello focuses attention on the redevelopment of rural areas and hamlets, an added value common to Asti and Ivrea often forgotten by the parties, more interested in the votes of urban areas with a high population density. He goes on to underline the importance of not leaving the organization of events in the hands of private individuals who often, in addition to not bringing the promised economic gains, act for a profit logic, not providing real culture to the territory. Both councilors then take up the environmental issue, with the declaration of a climate emergency, and that of intersectionality, with the adhesion to anti-discrimination networks.

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It ends with work, a theme of national scope over which small towns often find themselves powerless. «It is essential – says Briccarello – that an administration is able to access national and European tenders, thanks to which it can launch projects that create jobs. Even asking for help directly from the Region can be an option in certain cases: in Asti, the largest public rest home in Piedmont is going bankrupt. There are 120 jobs that would be lost».

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