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Kaleidoscope | The New Century

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Kaleidoscope |  The New Century

bad management

Facing the long queues to claim subsidies, the economist and analyst Daniel Mejia noted as “A disaster about Cielo Rusinque (director of the DPS). Obstinate, stubborn and zero self-criticism. Bad management. The easy thing was to continue with what already worked well. But no, anti-business, anti-private sector activism and hatred can do it. Even if this reveals that they are incompetent”.

looking for shortcuts

The senator for Radical Change, david luna, warned that “President Gustavo Petro is always looking for a shortcut: as the Submission Law project sank in Congress, now he seeks irregularly to use the Justice and Peace Law to negotiate with criminal gangs and thus please them. This does not allow such action, its scope is clear and specific. President, respect the Law and the intelligence of Colombians, no more little games”.

Reply to Valencia

the former minister John Ferdinand Christ qualified that “The analysis of the peace processes made by the new government negotiator Fabio Valencia is curious. The one in Caguan, which meant the largest military strengthening of the FARC in its history, had a few small mistakes, and the Colón Theater Agreement, which disarmed and demobilized 13,000 FARC ex-combatants, was a failure.”.

criminal enterprise

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The former presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo pointed out that “Corruption is a criminal enterprise that is more difficult to fight than all the ‘organizations’ with which they want to make total peace. The ‘anything goes’ in politics is winning and the elections are coming up in October. It does not have to be this way”.

deal victory

Senator and former Vice President Humberto de la Calle I affirm that “The resolution of the UN Human Rights Council is a victory for the Havana Agreement and an urgent call for its implementation. The accompaniment of an international rapporteur is key. We continue to receive international support. It is a State commitment that transcends governments”.

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