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Restless legs – restless nights

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Restless legs – restless nights

Study proves long-term effectiveness of implant acupuncture for RLS.

Implant acupuncture: Non-drug method for Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Legs tingle, twitch and ache; A good night’s sleep is out of the question: Then the diagnosis is often: Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), a neurological disease that affects around four million people in Germany alone.

Implant acupuncture, in which tiny titanium needles are placed at specific points in the ear, usually provides long-term relief to sufferers, with no side effects. The doctors Dr. Rolf Wlasak and Dr. Stefan Lobner from Meerbusch as part of a recently published long-term observation (www.implantat-akupunktur.de).

In most cases, all RLS symptoms can be significantly reduced with implant acupuncture. Even patients with a severe form of RLS reported that their condition had noticeably improved after the treatment. 70 percent were even able to significantly reduce their medication intake. The well-being and thus the quality of life of most of those affected have been significantly improved over a period of several years.

The Meerbusch medical team has specialized in implant acupuncture for many years and primarily treats patients with RLS, Parkinson’s and dementia. “We know that at

RLS patients have a lack of dopamine in the brain,” explains Dr. Vlasak. “This is problematic because dopamine also regulates movement patterns in the brain metabolism. If we create permanent stimulation with mini-implants, the body’s own release of dopamine is stimulated again,” says the expert.

“We place implants in a targeted manner at selected points on the outer ear of the patient, which is completely bloodless and painless,” adds Dr. Lobner. “After the implantation, our patients receive follow-up care from us for a period of 12 months as part of telephone check-up appointments. In this way, every patient receives individual advice and help over the course of several months.”

One of those affected reports: “My tingling legs and sleeping through the night had improved significantly just 2 months after the treatment, so that I was also able to reduce my medication significantly. Today I have more energy and a better quality of life.”

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The result speaks for itself: today, implant acupuncture is the only non-drug form of treatment for RLS that has been scientifically proven by the University of Cologne. The method is free of side effects and can be combined with other therapy methods at any time.

Private medical group practice of the physicians Dr. Rolf Wlasak (specialist in general medicine) and Dr. Stefan Lobner (specialist in orthopaedics) specializing in implant acupuncture (neurostimulation) for neurological diseases such as RLS, Parkinson’s and dementia.

company contact
dr Vlasak and Dr. Lobner
Rolf Wlasak
Düsseldorfer Strasse 77
40667 Meerbusch

Press contact
PR Compact
Petra Mueller
Virchowstrasse 34
41464 Neuss

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