Home » President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Algerian President Tebrun to Strengthen China-Arab Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Algerian President Tebrun to Strengthen China-Arab Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

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Title: Chinese President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Algerian President Tebrun, Strengthening Bilateral Relations

Date: July 18, 2022

On the afternoon of July 18, Chinese President Xi Jinping conducted talks with Algerian President Tebrun, who was on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People. The meeting emphasized the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Algeria and aimed to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations.

President Xi Jinping highlighted the history of the two countries’ relationship, stating that China and Algeria were brought together by a common cause of opposing imperialism and colonialism and fighting for national independence and liberation. Over the past 65 years, the friendship between China and Algeria has grown stronger, with mutual support and shared experiences during challenging times. President Xi expressed China’s commitment to continue fostering this traditional friendship into the future.

The Algerian President, Tebrun, expressed his pleasure in visiting Beijing, a city symbolic of struggle, progress, and ambition. He conveyed his gratitude for the deep friendship and support extended by the People’s Republic of China. The two leaders discussed the importance of strategic communication and the need to deepen exchanges and cooperation, ultimately advancing the long-term, steady development of the China-Arab comprehensive strategic partnership.

This meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Tebrun signifies China’s dedication to strengthening international relations and expanding cooperation with its partners. As key players in the global arena, both China and Algeria have expressed their commitment to working together towards mutual prosperity.

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The talks concluded with the assurance that the bond between China and Algeria will continue to grow, encompassing various aspects of cooperation, such as political, economic, educational, and cultural exchanges. By building upon their existing foundation of friendship, China and Algeria are poised to further enhance their bilateral ties for the benefit of their respective nations and peoples.

[Responsible editor: Lu Jiashan]

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